
Articles by Tim Barenscheer

Dan Martell - Buy Back Your Time - Chapter 7

Book Summaries

Discovering the Power of “Buy Back Your Time” by Dan Martell – Chapter 7

Hey there! If you’re anything like me, you’re always on the lookout for ways to streamline your business processes and scale efficiently. Well, I recently stumbled upon an absolute gem of a book that I just had to share with you. It’s called Buy Back Your Time by Dan Martell, and Chapter 7 is a …

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Max 4 min read

Dan Martell - Buy Back Your Time - Chapter 6

Book Summaries

Discovering the Power of “Buy Back Your Time” by Dan Martell – Chapter 6

If you’re an online business owner or digital marketer looking to scale your business and regain control of your time, you absolutely need to read “Buy Back Your Time” by Dan Martell. Chapter 6 of this book was a game-changer for me, and I’m excited to share the insights I gained and how you can …

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Max 4 min read

Dan Martell - Buy Back Your Time - Chapter 5

Book Summaries

Discovering the Power of “Buy Back Your Time” by Dan Martell – Chapter 5

Have you ever felt like your business owns you, rather than you owning your business? If so, you’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs find themselves trapped in the daily grind, unable to focus on growth and innovation because they’re too busy putting out fires. But what if there was a way to systematically free yourself from …

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Max 4 min read

Dan Martell - Buy Back Your Time - Chapter 4

Book Summaries

Discovering the Power of “Buy Back Your Time” by Dan Martell – Chapter 4

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks on your to-do list, wondering how you can possibly get it all done? As an online business owner or digital marketer, managing your time effectively is crucial to your success. Recently, I delved into Dan Martell’s book, Buy Back Your Time, and found it …

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Max 4 min read

Dan Martell - Buy Back Your Time - Chapter 3

Book Summaries

Discovering the Power of “Buy Back Your Time” by Dan Martell – Chapter 3

Entrepreneurs and business owners often find themselves juggling numerous tasks and constantly battling against the clock. Finding strategies to optimize time and increase productivity is crucial for success. Dan Martell’s book, Buy Back Your Time, provides invaluable insights, especially in Chapter 3, where he discusses the 5 Time Assassins that can derail even the most …

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Max 4 min read

Dan Martell - Buy Back Your Time - Chapter 2

Book Summaries

Discovering the Power of “Buy Back Your Time” by Dan Martell – Chapter 2

Feeling like you’re always running out of time? You’re not alone… Many entrepreneurs grapple with the endless demands of their businesses, often sacrificing what truly matters. Dan Martell’s Buy Back Your Time offers a fresh, insightful approach to reclaiming your time and refocusing on what really counts. Let’s explore the gems from Chapter 2 and …

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Max 5 min read

Dan Martell - Buy Back Your Time - Chapter 1

Book Summaries

Discovering the Power of “Buy Back Your Time” by Dan Martell – Chapter 1

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the endless tasks on your to-do list, wondering if there’s a better way to manage your time? Dan Martell’s book, Buy Back Your Time, offers a transformative approach to tackling this very issue. As an online business owner, it’s easy to resonate with the struggles of burnout and anxiety …

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Max 3 min read

The Impact of Remote Work on Workload Management and Resource Allocation

Remote Work

The Impact of Remote Work on Workload Management and Resource Allocation

In the last four years, we have seen a tremendous shift in how many businesses operate. Work is no longer tied to an office desk inside a tall corporate office building, which was the norm before. Now, you can work anywhere you want as long as you have a laptop and reliable internet connectivity—the age …

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Max 6 min read

Project Management Artifacts

Project Management

Unlocking the Mystery of Project Management Artifacts: The Essential Guide to Navigating Your Projects Successfully

Understanding the intricacies of project management artifacts isn’t just about getting to grips with fancy terminology or adding another layer of complexity to your projects. It’s about wielding a set of tools that can profoundly transform your approach to managing tasks, deadlines, and team dynamics. With the right artifacts in your arsenal, you’re not just …

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Max 6 min read

project kick off meeting

Project Management

Nail Your Next Project Kickoff: The Insider’s Guide to Engaging Meetings

Are you on the cusp of embarking on your next big project kickoff? Let’s delve into transforming this from being just another item on your agenda into the launchpad for unparalleled success. Embarking on a new project often feels like standing at the edge of a cliff, ready to take the plunge. The initial leap, …

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Max 7 min read

workload management tools


7 Essential Workload Management Tools: Elevate Your Team’s Productivity in 2024 and Beyond

In today’s fast-paced work environment, the art of managing workloads efficiently transcends basic task management—it has become a cornerstone of strategic team productivity. With projects growing in complexity and teams often spread across diverse locations, the digital transformation of workload management tools offers a beacon of efficiency. These tools are not just software; they are …

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Max 13 min read

what are examples of effective team dynamics

Team Building

5 Transformative Examples of Team Dynamics in Action: Principles for Success”

Imagine you’re part of a team where every member’s ideas are valued, communication flows as smoothly as a river, and challenges are tackled with a unified spirit. This isn’t just a dream scenario; it’s the pinnacle of effective team dynamics in action, and it’s within reach. In the world of work, whether in a bustling …

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Max 9 min read

personal goals for work

Best Practices

Navigating Your Career Path: Strategic Goal-Setting for Professional Advancement

The Catalyst for Your Career Journey Ever found yourself staring out the office window, pondering over your career path and where it’s headed? It’s a moment we’ve all faced, a crossroads of sorts, where the next steps seem foggy, uncertain. But here’s a nugget of truth that’s as golden as it is timeless: the compass …

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Max 8 min read

self management skills

Best Practices

Unlocking Your Potential: Mastering Self-Management Skills for Personal and Professional Success

Have you ever found yourself wondering how some people seem to have it all under control? They’re the ones who always meet deadlines, keep their cool in stressful situations, and still find time for a personal life. What’s their secret? It’s simple: self-management skills. Self-management isn’t just about getting things done. It’s about managing your …

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Max 8 min read

open communication in the workplace


Let’s Talk: Mastering Open Communication in the Workplace

You’ve heard it time and again: open communication is key. But let’s peel back the layers here. It’s not just a trendy phrase tossed around in boardrooms or plastered in mission statements. It’s the lifeblood of a thriving workplace. Imagine a world where messages are as clear as a bell, and feedback isn’t something you …

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Max 7 min read

emotional intelligence in leadership


Embracing Your Inner Leader: Unpacking the Power of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

You’ve seen them—those leaders who just have ‘it.’ They navigate complex situations with grace, inspire teams without breaking a sweat, and seem to always know just what to say. That’s emotional intelligence (EQ) at play. It’s not about being the smartest in the room; it’s about being the most tuned in. Unraveling the Essence of …

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Max 7 min read

An Effective Team

Team Building

Characteristics of an Effective Team: 5 Key Traits to Cultivate

You’ve been there. At the end of a draining day, you slump into your chair, recalling that exhilarating time when your team pulled off a last-minute project. That buzz, that energy, that momentum—all because of a collective effort. But why did it work? Was it just luck? Some magic spell? Or was it because you …

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Max 6 min read

Agile Mindset

Agile Methodology

Agile Mindset Unraveled: Meaning, Benefits, and How-to-guide

Understanding the Agile Mindset: More Than Just a Buzzword You’ve probably heard the term “agile mindset” thrown around in business meetings or seen it splashed across LinkedIn posts. But what does it really mean? And why should you care? At its core, the agile mindset is a way of thinking, a philosophy if you will. …

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Max 5 min read

Project Manager Without Experience


How to Become a Project Manager Without Experience: A Step-by-Step Guide to Breaking the Mold

So, you want to become a project manager but there’s a slight hiccup: you have zero experience in project management. The job listings make you feel like you’re trying to enter an exclusive club with a neon sign flashing, “No Experience, No Entry.” But what if I told you there’s a back door? The general …

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Max 10 min read

operations strategy


Unlocking Operations Strategy: What It Is and How to Nail It

Why You Should Care About Operations Strategy Let’s be honest. The phrase “operations strategy” might not get your heart racing. Yet, if you’re in the business world – whether you’re running a sprawling multinational or a cozy corner café – understanding this term can be the ace up your sleeve. So, What’s the Big Deal? …

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Max 6 min read

how to deal with a coworker who undermines you


Navigating Office Politics: How to Deal with a Coworker Who Undermines You

Introduction: Understanding the Dilemma At some point in our careers, many of us have encountered a coworker who seems bent on making our work lives difficult. They may spread rumors, take credit for others’ work, or subtly belittle you in front of your team. This behavior is what we define as undermining at work. Undermining …

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Max 7 min read

team camaraderie

Team Building

Boosting Team Camaraderie: A Game-Changer for Your Business Success

In the bustling world of business, it’s easy to get swept away in the sea of bottom lines, KPIs, and profit margins. But at the core of all successful ventures, you’ll find something quintessentially human – team camaraderie. Yes, camaraderie. It’s more than just a fancy word you’d find on a motivational poster next to …

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Max 7 min read

transformational leadership examples


Beyond the Boardroom: 8 Transformational Leaders Who Redefined Success

You’ve heard the stories, watched the movies, and perhaps even read the books about figures that shook the world. These people, despite all odds, rallied the troops, shifted the paradigm, and brought about change in ways few could’ve imagined. One of these juggernauts was none other than Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple. After being …

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Max 8 min read

marketing information management examples


A Deep Dive into Marketing Information Management Examples

Why Marketing Information Management is Your Next Best Friend Ever had one of those light-bulb moments that changed the trajectory of your business? You know, the one where you finally uncover the missing link between your well-crafted products and services and your potential customers? Yep, that’s exactly the kind of enlightenment marketing information management can …

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Max 7 min read

operational planning

Project Management

How Operational Planning Skyrockets Your Business Success

You’re here because something sparked your interest. It’s that twinkle in your entrepreneurial spirit, a craving for knowledge, and a thirst for business success. Maybe you’ve heard about operational planning, or perhaps it’s a new term. Either way, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty, shall we? Why Operational Planning is Your Business’s Secret Weapon Why …

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Max 8 min read

four functions of management


The Four Functions of Management: Your Secret Sauce to Effective Leadership

Ever felt like you’re trying to juggle water? That’s what management can feel like when you’re trying to balance planning, organizing, leading, and controlling – the four essential functions of management. Let’s unravel this bundle and put your management puzzle together piece by piece. Now, don’t get discouraged if these four functions seem as elusive …

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Max 6 min read

business process analysis


Turbocharging Your Success: A User-Friendly Roadmap to Business Process Analysis

Isn’t it intriguing how some businesses run like well-oiled machines, while others seem to stumble along, constantly dealing with crises? If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re seeking ways to make your business more like the former and less like the latter. Guess what? You’re in the right place. We’re about to explore …

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Max 7 min read

project quality management plan

Project Management

You’ve Got This! A Step-By-Step Guide to Crafting an Unbeatable Quality Management Plan

No more worrying about managing quality in your projects. This guide has got you covered, offering a straightforward path to crafting a winning Quality Management Plan (QMP). After all, who doesn’t appreciate a bit of order in the chaos of project management? A friendly nudge: Why you need to care about Quality Management Plan (QMP) …

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Max 7 min read

code of conduct for employees

Team Building

Let’s Talk About Code of Conduct and Why You Need One

Hi there! If you’ve found your way to this blog, chances are you’ve got questions about the code of conduct. Maybe you’ve heard the term tossed around in business meetings, or perhaps you’re here because your HR department needs one yesterday. No matter the reason, you’re in the right place. Our mission today is to …

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Max 8 min read

backlog grooming

Project Management

Your Handy Guide to Agile Backlog Grooming: Mastering the Art of Prioritization

Ever wondered what backlog grooming really is? If you’re thinking it’s got something to do with cutting down tasks and activities, then you’re on the right track, but there’s more to the story. So, let’s break it down together. Backlog grooming, also known as backlog refinement, is about keeping your backlog—the list of tasks or …

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Max 5 min read

continuous process improvement


Taking Your Business to the Next Level with Continuous Improvement

Does your business feel stuck in a rut? Are your growth charts beginning to look like EKG readings from a narcoleptic sloth? If that’s the case, we might have just the jumpstart you need. We’re about to explore an approach that keeps your business not just surviving but thriving. Continuous Improvement: Your Secret Weapon to …

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Max 7 min read

group vs team

Team Building

Workplace Riddle: Are You Operating in a Team or a Group? Let’s Find Out

Have you ever found yourself amidst the hustle and bustle of office life, proudly declaring, “I’m part of the team,” only to later realize that, in fact, you were operating within a group? If so, you’re not alone. This common dilemma—let’s call it a workplace riddle—is a result of the frequent interchangeability of ‘team’ and …

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Max 5 min read

process management vs project management

Project Management

Navigating Your Project and Process Management Maze: Making It Work for You

Does your workday resemble a high-stakes circus act where you juggle flaming balls and the audience wields pitchforks? Rest assured; you’re not alone. In the grand arena of business, balancing projects and processes can feel like walking a tightrope without a safety net. Efficient task management is undoubtedly important. The buzzwords, “project management” and “process …

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Max 7 min read

problem framing


Unleashing the Power of Problem Framing: Defining, Understanding, and Tackling Issues Effectively

Problems permeate every field, from constructing rockets to baking scones. They’re the irritating interruptions that impede our smooth workflows, the unexpected detours disrupting our well-planned projects. Regrettably, no magical solution exists to keep them at bay. But fret not; you’re not alone in the battle against these project hurdles. More importantly, the struggle you face …

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Max 6 min read

Marketing Environment


Amplify Your Business Success by Decoding the Marketing Environment

Your marketing environment, akin to the ecosystem your business thrives in, is brimming with variables. It’s constantly shifting, reflecting sunny periods of success and testing times of adversity. These factors can either help your business flourish or pose significant challenges, depending on your understanding of them and your adaptability. Navigating through the dynamic, uncertain, and …

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Max 9 min read

democratic leadership


Shared Decisions, Shared Success: Demystifying Democratic Leadership

In the vast sea of leadership styles, democratic leadership stands out like a lighthouse on a foggy night. It’s a beacon that guides organizations towards collaboration, engagement, and shared decision-making. But let’s be honest, it’s not all smooth sailing. There are challenges, like navigating the choppy waters of group dynamics or ensuring every voice is …

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Max 8 min read

macro environment in marketing


Unraveling the Macro Environment: Your Key to Marketing Success

Ever wondered why some businesses seem to effortlessly succeed while others constantly struggle? It’s time to unravel the mystery of the macro environment in marketing. Think of it as a detective story, but instead of solving crimes, we’re deciphering marketing puzzles. Intrigued? Let’s dive in. What’s This Macro Environment Thing All About? You’re probably asking, …

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Max 7 min read

work life integration


The Dawn of Work-Life Integration: A New Rhythm to Your Daily Dance

Ever found yourself caught in a mental tug-of-war, grappling with how to juggle your professional responsibilities while still making time for the personal activities that light up your life? You’re not alone. It’s akin to trying to dance to two different tunes simultaneously. But wait a minute, what if there’s a different rhythm to this …

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Max 7 min read

time batching


Unlock Your Productivity: The Magic of Time Batching

Welcome to the world of modern work, where the ability to multitask is often celebrated, but the reality is a constant battle with distractions, interruptions, and a nagging sense that you’re not quite as productive as you could be. Enter time batching, your secret weapon in the war against wasted time. This simple yet powerful …

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Max 6 min read

mindfulness at work


Mindfulness at Work: Your Secret Weapon for a More Productive and Peaceful Workday

Why are you reading this? Are you seeking spiritual awakening, or are you trying to alleviate the anxiety that seems to be an inevitable part of your workday? Perhaps it’s a bit of both. Regardless of your reasons, you’re here because you’ve heard about this practice called “mindfulness,” and you’re curious about how it can …

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Max 6 min read

pilot project meaning

Project Management

Unlocking the Magic of Pilot Projects: Your Go-to Guide for Success

Imagine launching a full-scale project only to find out halfway through that it’s not as viable as you thought. You’ve invested time, money, and resources, only to see it crumble. Sounds like a nightmare, right? Well, that’s where pilot projects come in as your lifesaver. As you navigate the landscape of your industry, pilot projects …

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Max 6 min read


Revamp Your Supply Chain Efficiency: Nearshoring as Your Ultimate Solution

You’re a business dynamo, a visionary leader with a dream to make a difference. But your supply chain – that delicate, interconnected web that keeps your operation humming – is causing you sleepless nights. You’ve got company in this quandary. And, luckily, there’s a strategy that can turn those supply chain nightmares into a dream …

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Max 9 min read

workflow process mapping


How to Master Workflow Process Mapping: Unleash Your Workflow Superpowers!

Imagine you’re a world-renowned chef, preparing a complex gourmet dish in a bustling kitchen. You’ve got all the ingredients, tools, and skills, but you’re missing one crucial element: a detailed recipe. Without it, you and your team may end up cooking up chaos instead of culinary perfection. That’s the kind of disarray you can expect …

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Max 8 min read

business process mapping


Unleashing the Power of Business Process Mapping: A Game Changer for Your Organization

Imagine you’re an orchestra conductor, tasked with leading a talented but disorganized group of musicians. Each one plays their instrument with skill, but they’re all following different sheet music. The result is a cacophony of disjointed sounds. That’s what managing your business processes can feel like without the right tools to harmonize your efforts. Enter …

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Max 8 min read

business process transformation


Embrace the Future with Business Process Transformation

Did you know that a staggering 70% of business transformation efforts fail, according to a study by McKinsey? In today’s rapidly evolving business world, it’s more important than ever to stay agile and adaptive. But with so many challenges, especially in virtual project management, it’s no wonder that many businesses struggle to keep up. That’s …

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Max 6 min read

account based marketing tactics


Mastering Account-Based Marketing Tactics: Your Comprehensive Guide to Success

Have you ever found yourself questioning whether your marketing efforts are truly reaching the right audience? If so, you’re not alone. Enter account-based marketing (ABM), a highly effective and targeted marketing strategy that is taking the business world by storm. By focusing on a carefully selected set of high-value accounts, your marketing initiatives will feel …

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Max 9 min read

societal marketing concept


Making a Difference Together: How Societal Marketing Drives Meaningful Change

Are you seeking to understand societal marketing, or are you interested in making a difference in the world through responsible business practices? Regardless of your motivation, you’ve come to the right place. Societal marketing is a powerful approach that balances consumer needs, company profits, and the long-term well-being of society, ultimately driving meaningful change. If …

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Max 5 min read

performance based marketing


Supercharge Your Marketing Strategy: Automation, Authenticity, and Performance in the Data-Driven Era

Ever found yourself scratching your head, feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of performance marketing? You’re not alone. Performance marketing is essential for achieving success in today’s data-driven world, yet it comes with its fair share of obstacles. In this article, we will delve into the significance of performance marketing, explore the hurdles you might face, …

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Max 8 min read

video marketing for small business


Amplify Your Small Business Marketing: Unleashing the Potential of Storytelling, Social Media, and Video

Imagine you’re a small business owner, juggling countless tasks, and suddenly, you’re faced with the daunting world of marketing. How can you tell the right story, leverage social media, and embrace video marketing to ensure your brand’s success? Fear not, because this guide will help you navigate these complex waters and unleash the potential of …

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Max 9 min read

virtual project management

Project Management

Mastering the Art of Virtual Project Management: Create Winning Teams from Anywhere

In an astonishingly short five years, Upwork’s (the world’s biggest freelancing platform) study forecasts that a whopping 73% of all departments will be composed entirely of remote workers. That is almost three out of every four divisions. As our world becomes increasingly connected, virtual project management is no longer just a trend; it’s quickly becoming …

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Max 10 min read

marketing campaign management

Project Management

From Planning to Execution: A Complete Guide to Marketing Campaign Management Mastery

In today’s fast-paced marketing landscape, businesses face numerous challenges in managing their marketing campaigns. Feeling overwhelmed by coordinating multi-channel campaigns, grappling with effective data usage, or lacking a well-defined strategy and goals is not uncommon. If you’re nodding in agreement, rest assured that you’re not alone. Fortunately, there’s a way to bring clarity and structure …

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Max 8 min read

project delays

Project Management

Mastering the Art of Timely Project Completion: How to Understand, Prevent, and Manage Project Delays

Imagine this: You’re a project manager, and your team has been working tirelessly for months on a high-stakes project. The deadline is fast approaching, and suddenly you hit a roadblock. Perhaps a key resource becomes unavailable, or a critical task takes longer than anticipated. Sound familiar? Welcome to the world of project delays. In the …

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Max 11 min read

real estate project management

Project Management

Navigating the Real Estate Maze: Your Practical Guide to Project Management

Stepping into the world of real estate can be thrilling yet daunting, particularly when it comes to managing projects that can make or break your investment. Effective project management is the key to unlocking success in this intricate landscape. Our practical guide equips you with the necessary knowledge to navigate the complexities of real estate …

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Max 9 min read

project coordination

Project Management

Elevate Your Project Coordination: Unlock the Secrets to Project Management Success

Are you on a quest to master project coordination and achieve unparalleled project success? Look no further. In this guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of project coordination and share valuable insights to help you elevate your skills to new heights. So, sit back, relax, and let’s unlock the secrets to project management success …

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Max 12 min read

meeting cadence


Rock Your Meeting Cadence Like a Pro: The Key to Boosting Team Morale

Did you know that the average employee spends a shocking 31 hours per month in meetings that are essentially unproductive? That’s nearly four work days wasted on activities that won’t help their career or business. To add to this, Zippi reports an even more alarming fact: most employees attend 62 meetings every month, and unfortunately, …

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Max 15 min read

Image represents tasks management

Project Management

7 Reasons Why Project Management Tools Are Essential for Remote Work

In today’s rapidly changing work landscape, remote work has become increasingly popular. One study shows that 84% of professionals consider remote work options before taking on a job opportunity. As remote work grows, project management tools become essential for ensuring that remote teams can collaborate and work together effectively. Why are project managemnt tools necessary …

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Max 5 min read

asana alternatives


Asana vs the World: 9 Alternatives to Take Your Team’s Productivity to the Next Level

Are you looking for a project management tool that will help increase your team’s productivity? Do you need to collaborate on projects and tasks with other members of your organization? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, we’ll be exploring 9 different alternatives to Asana that can take your team’s …

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Max 16 min read

Image represents Notion Alternatives


Notion isn’t cutting it? Streamline Your Productivity With These 7 Alternatives

Do you find yourself struggling to manage your tasks and keep track of your projects, despite using Notion? It may be time to look into other tools that can help you get more done and stay organized. With so many options available, it can be challenging to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put …

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Max 14 min read

Image represents Calendly Alternatives


Say Goodbye to Scheduling Woes: Discover the Top 8 Calendly Alternatives for Your Business

Are you tired of the hassle that comes with scheduling appointments and meetings? If you’re like most people, you’ve probably tried Calendly – the popular scheduling tool that makes it a breeze to schedule with its user-friendly interface and range of features. But what if Calendly doesn’t quite meet your unique needs? What if you’re …

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Max 11 min read

Image represents ClickUp Alternatives


Elevate Your Project Management with These 11 Must-See Alternatives to ClickUp

Are you tired of using ClickUp for your project management needs but don’t know where to turn for a better solution? As a project manager, it’s crucial to have the right tools to manage your team and projects effectively. With the countless options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the best alternative. That’s where …

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Max 13 min read

Airtable alternatives for Project Management


Beyond Airtable: Exploring The 9 Best Project Management Alternatives

Are you tired of feeling limited by Airtable’s features or pricing? Or are you just looking for an alternative that better meets your project management needs? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the top alternatives to Airtable. We’ll compare features, prices, and ease of use so you can choose the right PM tool …

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Max 13 min read

Image represents Social Loafing Examples


7 Relatable Examples of Social Loafing You’ve Definitely Experienced

Have you ever been part of a group project where some people didn’t seem to be putting in the same effort? Well, it turns out there’s a psychological phenomenon for that… It’s called social loafing, and it refers to the tendency of team members to put forth less effort when they’re part of a group. …

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Max 6 min read

parametric estimating in project management

Project Management

Take the Guesswork Out of Project Planning with Parametric Estimating

Are you looking for a reliable and accurate way to estimate the cost, schedule, or other project variables before they begin? Parametric estimating can be extremely useful. It uses statistical data and analysis to accurately predict what will happen and help find opportunities and risks. It’s like having a project management crystal ball. And best …

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Max 7 min read

Image represents Risk Response Strategies

Project Management

Risk Response Strategies: Your Project Manager’s Guide to Navigating Uncertainty

No project is without risk, but some projects are riskier than others. As a project manager, you need to be able to find risks, evaluate them, and come up with plans for how to deal with them. This can be a daunting task, but never fear. This guide will help you navigate the world of …

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Max 8 min read

Image represents Cost Variance in Project Management

Project Management

Reducing Risk and Maximizing Success: How to Tackle Cost Variance in Project Management

As a project manager, you know that keeping your projects on track and on budget is crucial to their success. One of the key tools at your disposal for doing so is cost variance analysis. But what exactly is cost variance, and how can you use it to your advantage? In this blog post, we’ll …

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Max 8 min read

Image represents a Design Project Management

Project Management

From Chaos to Control: Managing your Design Project

Are you a project manager struggling to keep your design projects on track? Do you feel overwhelmed and need help managing all the different elements of your projects? If so, you’re not alone. Design project management can be challenging, especially if you’re new to the role. But don’t worry – we’re here to help. This …

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Max 8 min read

Image represents Critical Path in Project Management

Project Management

Time Saving Secrets That Will Make You Cheer: How to Use the Critical Path Analysis in Project Management

When you’ve got a project that’s brimming with hangups, where team members quit, materials arrive late and bottlenecks delay production, it’s really easy to throw money at it with the hope to speed things up. This may provide some momentary relief as the clock ticks and the deadline looms nearer. As so many have learned …

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Max 19 min read

Image represents Incident Management Process Workflow

Project Management

Incident Management 101: The Lowdown on Navigating Project Bumps

Imagine you’re working on a large software development project, and one of the developers reports a critical bug in the code. This incident must be dealt with immediately, as it could significantly affect the project timeline and budget. So, what do you do? This is where the incident management process comes in. In project management, …

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Max 8 min read

Image indicates Cross-Team Collaboration

Team Building

Breaking Out of the Silo: How Cross-Team Collaboration Can Improve Team Building and Productivity

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve experienced the frustration of working in a siloed environment. You know what it’s like to feel isolated from other teams or departments, unable to collaborate effectively and achieve your goals. But there’s a pretty simple solution: cross-team collaboration. What is cross-team collaboration, you ask? It’s when teams or …

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Max 8 min read

Image indicates Statement of Work in Project Management

Project Management

A Recipe for Success: Crafting a Winning Statement of Work

Have you ever tried to cook an elaborate meal without a recipe? It can be overwhelming and lead to disastrous results. The same is true for project management – a project will likely falter without a clear plan and expectations. That’s where a statement of work (SOW) comes in. Like a recipe guides a chef, …

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Max 8 min read

Image indicates Project Schedule Management

Project Management

Bye-Bye Stress: How to Stay on Top of Your Project Schedule

You may have heard the saying, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” This statement couldn’t be more true when managing a project. A well-defined and carefully executed project schedule is key to the success of any project. But what exactly is project schedule management, and why is it so important? In this blog post, …

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Max 7 min read

Illustration image of Cost Benefit Analysis in Project Management

Project Management

A Guide to Effectively Executing Cost Benefit Analysis: Why Project Managers Should Take Notice

Whether you’re an experienced project manager or a newbie just getting your feet wet in the wide world of project management, cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is something you will inevitably have to tackle. And if you plan on tackling it well, then this comprehensive guide is for you. Cost-benefit analysis is one of the most important …

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Max 8 min read

Managers as Decision Makers


Becoming a Decision Maker: What Managers Need to Know

Attention managers, you have more power in your hands than you think. You can be an amazing decision-maker, both quickly and confidently. If you want to be a successful manager, you need to make the right decisions – and make them fast. After all, what separates successful managers from the rest? It’s their decision-making abilities. …

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Max 8 min read

Process Automation in Project Management

Project Management

Ready to Take Control of Your Projects? Learn How Process Automation Can Help!

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer amount of tasks and projects that need to be done? The deadlines looming, the hours I’ve worked and it still doesn’t seem like there is enough time in the day? If this sounds familiar, then it’s time for you to take a step back, take a deep …

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Max 8 min read

How to Build a Customer Service Team

Hiring Talent

9 Essential Tips for Creating an Elite Customer Service Team

Are you overwhelmed by the thought of building a customer service team from scratch? Or maybe you’re not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we got you covered. Building a top-notch customer service team doesn’t have to be difficult. With the right strategy and plan in place, you can create a world-class customer service team …

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Max 9 min read

Six Sigma Project Management

Project Management

Six Sigma Simplified: Ditch the Waste and Streamline Your Projects

Efficiency is the name of the game in project management. After all, if a project is taking too long, it’s likely going to cost more money than necessary. Six Sigma is a methodology that can help you streamline your projects and get them done faster – without sacrificing quality. The name “Six Sigma” is a …

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Max 7 min read

Project Management Trends

Project Management

Looking to stay ahead of the curve? Check out these 9 project management trends…

Disruption is the name of the game today. Technology has made it easier than ever before for businesses to enter new markets and create new products and services. This increased competition is good news for consumers, but it can be tough on businesses that are trying to keep up. To stay ahead of the curve, …

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Max 7 min read

Marketing Information Management

Project Management

Is Your Marketing Information Management a Hot Mess? Here’s How to Clean It Up.

Most businesses these days are data-driven. But what happens when the data you need is scattered all over the place? That’s where marketing information management (MIM) comes in. MIM helps you gather and organize all of your marketing data, so you can make informed decisions about your business. But implementing MIM can be tricky. There …

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Max 9 min read

Bottom Up Estimating in Project Management

Project Management

Getting Started with Bottom Up Estimating – Your Essential Guide

If you’re a project manager, then you know that estimating the cost is essential to the success of any project. After all, how can you plan and budget for a project if you don’t have a good sense of how much it’s going to cost? There are a number of different methods that project managers …

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Max 7 min read

Cost estimation and budgeting in project management


How to Accurately Estimate Costs & Budget for Your Project’s Success

If you’re a project manager, then you know that one of your most important duties is to estimate the costs and budgets for your projects. Without accurate estimates, it’s nearly impossible to ensure that your project stays on track and within budget. Yet, many project managers still struggle with this important task. In this blog …

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Max 7 min read

Conflict in Virtual Teams

Remote Work

Navigating Conflict in Virtual Teams: The How-To Guide

If you’re a business leader, you’re likely no stranger to the challenges that come with managing a team. After-all you do work with people, and people are prone to conflict. Now imagine you’re a leader responsible for managing a team that’s not just in the same building, but in different states or even countries. The …

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Max 6 min read

Program Manager vs Project Manager


Does Your Business Need a Project Manager and Program Manager? Here’s what you need to know…

If you’ve ever been curious about the difference between a project manager and program manager, you’re not alone. It’s a common question, and one that has a lot of business leaders scratching their heads. After all, both roles sound pretty similar on paper. But in practice, they couldn’t be more different. Here’s a breakdown of …

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Max 6 min read

Team Effectiveness


Your Go-To Guide For Team Effectiveness Models: Why Teams Fail & How To Fix Them

Do you ever feel like your team just isn’t working as effectively as it could be? The inconvenient truth is that most teams are dysfunctional to some degree. And the reason is that team dynamics are complex. But don’t despair. There’s hope. There’s a lot of research out there on what makes a team effective …

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Max 10 min read

How to improve leadership skills


What Great Leaders Do Different: 8 Tips To Improve Your Leadership Skills

If you’re reading this, then it’s safe to assume that you want to be a better leader. Which is already a sign that you’re on the right track – most people never even bother to think about their leadership skills, let alone try to improve them. But just because you’re aware of the need to …

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Max 9 min read

Business Forecasting


Business Forecasting: What It Is and Why You Need It.

What brings you here? Perhaps you’re a business owner who’s looking to expand your operations. Or maybe you’re a manager who wants to be able to make more informed decisions about your team’s budget. In either case, understanding and using business forecasting can help you achieve your goals. Business forecasting is an essential tool for …

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Max 10 min read

Project Management Maturity Model

Project Management

Reaching Higher Levels of Maturity: An Essential Look at The Project Management Maturity Model

In nature, organisms grow. This growth is characterized by an increase in size or mass, or both. Essentially it’s the ability of an organism to adapt to and thrive in its environment. This could be through developing new capabilities or becoming more complex. You could say that maturity is the pinnacle of growth. Maturity is …

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Max 11 min read

Project Integration Management

Project Management

Project Integration Management: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

If you’re reading this you’re probably familiar with the basics of project management. But just in case you’re new to the term, project integration management is the process of bringing all the elements of a project together into one cohesive whole. It’s the job of the project manager to make sure that all the different …

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Max 7 min read

Change Management Books


How to Manage Change in Your Business: The 5 Best Books For Change Management

You never stand in the same river twice. – Heraclitus The only constant in business is “change.” To stay ahead of the competition and maintain a healthy bottom line, your organization needs to be able to adapt to the ever-changing landscape. Change can be difficult to manage because it often requires employees to adjust the …

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Max 9 min read

Business Strategy Books


Optimize Your Business Strategy with These 8 Must-Read Books

It’s no secret that to be successful, you need to have a winning business strategy. What may be less obvious is that to create a winning business strategy, you need to think like a strategist. Why? Because business strategy is about making choices—choosing to do some things and not others. It’s also about allocating resources …

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Max 7 min read


Stay Up To Date With Marketing Trends: The Top Marketing Books For Your Reading List

Marketing is everything to your business. Without it, you would have no way of getting eyeballs on the products and services that matter most to your customers. With a well-rounded marketing strategy, you can increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, and generate leads that turn into customers. Your ideal marketing scenario is to marry the …

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Max 11 min read

Best Books on Starting a Business


Learn from the Experts: The Best Books For Starting a Business

So you want to start a business? That’s amazing. But before you take the plunge, gathering information from those who have gone before you is crucial. To help guide you through your first few steps in business, we’ve put together a list of books about creating businesses – all written by experts who have been …

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Max 9 min read

Leadership Books


Best Leadership Books: The 7 Most Impactful Reads for Project Managers

As a project manager, you know that the key to success is leadership. Yes, planning and organization are important, but if you can’t lead your team to success, then your project will likely fail. That’s why you need to start developing your leadership skills. After all, leadership is all about achieving results through influence. And …

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Max 6 min read

Decision Making Books


The Top 5 Books For Decision Making: Decision Making Tools For Project Managers

Making decisions is one of the most important skills a project manager can possess. Being able to make decisions quickly and efficiently is essential. If you can’t do that, your projects are likely to fail. There are a lot of books out there that claim to be able to help you improve your decision-making skills. …

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Max 9 min read

Mindfulness Books

Best Practices

9 Mindfulness Books for Project Managers: Becoming Hyper Focused & Effective.

Mindfulness, it’s a word that’s been cropping up more and more lately. You see it on bumper stickers, in self-help books, and even in the business section of your local bookstore. Mindfulness is about being present in the moment and being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations. It’s about living in the present instead …

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Max 9 min read

Communication Books


The 11 Essential Books on Communication Every Project Manager Should Read

Imagine this: you’re in the middle of a project and you’ve just realized that you and your team are not on the same page. Miscommunication has led to lost time, and wasted effort, and now you’re scrambling to get everyone back on track. If only you had brushed up on your communication skills sooner. Don’t …

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Max 8 min read

Benefits of working from home for employers

Employee Management

How Employers Can Save Money by Allowing Employees to Work from Home

Do you find it kind of shocking that so many businesses are trending towards working from home? The Pandemic accelerated the shift, but even before then, more and more businesses were allowing their staff to trade in their stuffy old offices for a home office. But we were headed this way already, the benefits of …

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Max 7 min read

Onboarding a new manager

Employee Management

The Essential Guide to Onboarding New Managers: Setting the Tone for Success

Being a manager can be incredibly stressful. After all, you’re responsible for ensuring your staff is connected, efficient, and productive. But imagine if you had to take on that role in a new company. Suddenly, you’re not only responsible for your team, but also for getting acclimated to a new work environment and corporate culture. …

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Max 8 min read

Asset management problems

Project Management

Don’t Let Asset Management Problems Derail Your Project

Imagine this: You’re a project manager tasked with overseeing a new project. The project is already behind schedule and over budget, and the last thing you need is a delay caused by poor asset management. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what you’re facing. Inaccurate tracking of replacement parts has resulted in a shortage of crucial supplies, and …

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Max 7 min read

Agile SDLC

Agile Methodology

How to Make the Most Out of Agile SDLC For Your Project Management Workflow

The Agile methodology is quickly gaining in popularity due to its ability to adapt to changing requirements and fast-paced work environments. Agile SDLC, or Agile Software Development Life Cycle, is a variation of the Agile methodology that is specifically tailored for software development projects. As with any new methodology, there can be a bit of …

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Max 11 min read

Project Roadmap

Project Management

A Step-By-Step Guide To Creating Your Next Project Roadmap.

Project roadmaps are a useful weapon in the arsenal of good project managers. While getting into the nitty-gritty and fine-tuning your plan down to the minute tasks is critical, the importance of how you present your overall picture of the project should not be understated. In fact, if you want to be able to really …

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Max 6 min read

Situational project management

Project Management

Navigate Any Project Management Situation By Adapting Situational Awareness

Situational Awareness for project managers Have you ever managed a project that just couldn’t get off the ground? You followed all the project management steps, but somehow things still went wrong. In many cases, the problem isn’t that you didn’t manage the project correctly – it’s that the situation called for a different approach. If …

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Max 9 min read

Project Blockers

Project Management

How to Remove Project Blockers and Achieve Your Goals: Problem-Solving Strategies for Businesses

Do you feel like you’re constantly running into roadblocks on your projects? Are you struggling to find a way to get around them and achieve your goals? You are not alone. Many businesses face project blockers that prevent them from reaching their objectives. In this article, we will discuss the most common project blockers and …

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Max 8 min read

Dependencies in project management

Project Management

The Project Management Guide to Dependencies. Everything you need to know about dependencies in project management.

Dependencies are a concept that you will undoubtedly have come across in your experience as a project manager. They are an essential component of project management, but they can be one of the most perplexing topics for newcomers to understand. This guide will explain everything you need to know about dependencies in project management, including …

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Max 6 min read

Project Management Styles

Project Management

The 5 Most Frequently Used Project Management Methods and Styles (How to Choose the Right Strategies for Your Company)

Projects are the driving force of any business. They’re how you get things done, whether it’s creating a new product, launching a marketing campaign, or restructuring your company. And there are several different ways you can approach a project. There are a ton of options when it comes to project management methods and styles. And …

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Max 7 min read

Positive risks in project management

Project Management

How To Use Positive Risks To Leverage Success in Project Management

If you’re a project manager, chances are that you’ve dealt with plenty of risks in the past. After all, part of your job is to identify potential threats to the project and develop plans to mitigate them. But what about positive risks? While they may seem like an oxymoron, positive risks are a real and …

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Max 6 min read

Improve Reporting For Project Management


The Top 8 Ways To Improve Your Reporting For Project Management

Let’s face it: no one likes to do reports. They’re tedious, time-consuming, and often feel like a huge waste of effort. However, without reliable data, it’s impossible to make informed decisions about a project. Good reporting helps improve the decision-making process by providing accurate information about what’s happening on the ground. Good reporting helps improve …

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Max 7 min read

Project Management Leadership Styles


Adopt the Perfect Leadership Style for Your Project’s Success

As a project manager, you’re in charge of creating success for your projects. The key to that success is in your ability to lead your team effectively, using a variety of different leadership styles to best fit the needs of your projects. In this article, we will discuss the different leadership styles of project managers …

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Max 8 min read

Reasons for project failure

Project Management

What causes project failure? 12 common issues in project management and their solutions.

No one likes to admit failure, but it’s an essential part of any project. Without fail, there will be bumps in the road and challenges to overcome. The key is to learn from these failures and use them as a springboard for success. By understanding the root cause of failures, project managers can avoid making …

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Max 9 min read

Interpersonal Skills for Project Managers


10 Essential Interpersonal Skills You Need For Project Management Success

@teamly For additional information on this topic, feel free to check out this Youtube video from our channel. Now, onto the main content… As a project manager, you know that success depends on more than just your technical abilities; the key to success is effective teamwork. And if you want to create an effective team, …

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Max 9 min read

Emotional Intelligence

Best Practices

Emotional Intelligence in Project Management: Why it matters.

You know that there are a million things that can go wrong during a project, and mismanaged emotions are frequently at the core of many of them. Emotional upheaval can quickly undo even the most carefully laid plans when employees or customers are unable to meet deadlines or are dissatisfied with the ultimate product. To …

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Max 6 min read

Remote Performance Reviews

Employee Management

How to Eliminate Awkwardness in Remote Performance Reviews

You’ve undoubtedly been through it before, the agony of anticipating a performance evaluation. The buildup alone is enough to drive anyone insane. Then there’s the actual review itself. You sit down with your employer, preparing your mind for all potential criticisms. You try to keep an open mind, but it’s hard not to feel defensive. …

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Max 7 min read

Lead Time and Cycle Time

Project Management

Why You Need to Consider Lead Time And Cycle Time For Your Project Management Strategy. Plus, 10 Tips to Reduce Your Project’s Lead And Cycle Times.

“Time is money,” right? When it comes to business, this adage couldn’t be more true. And that’s why if you are a business owner or a project manager, understanding the core concepts of time measurement is essential. In project management, two terms you’ll hear constantly are “cycle time” and “lead time.” What do they mean …

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Max 5 min read

Project Schedule Risk Analysis

Project Management

Don’t let your projects fall apart- Create a schedule risk assessment for peace of mind.

Have you ever been late on a project deadline? If so, you know that the consequences can be costly. Not only does your reputation take a hit, but you may also face financial penalties from your clients or employers. This only gets worse if you juggle multiple projects at the same time. Suddenly, something as …

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Max 5 min read

Requirements Management Planning

Project Management

Requirements Management: The Key to Project Success

As a manager, you undoubtedly understand that each of your company’s projects is influenced by the needs of your business and your stakeholders. Here’s an important tip, you should take these demands seriously and turn them into project guardrails. This process of identifying and managing your project’s needs is referred to as requirements management. In …

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Max 6 min read

Cross Functional Team

Project Management

Discovery Phase in Project Management: What it is, why it’s important, and how to navigate it.

As a project manager, you may be tempted to rush through the discovery phase or entirely skip it. After all, it can feel like a lot of extra work with no immediate payoff. But this would be a mistake. The discovery phase is one of the most important parts of project management, and it’s essential …

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Max 7 min read

Project Contingency Plan

Project Management

4 Steps to Creating the Perfect Contingency Plan for your Projects.

Stop running project chaos and start planning for the unexpected… Contingency plans are intended to handle situations in which things fail to go according to plan. They let you keep pursuing your project’s objectives with confidence even when everything appears to be going horribly wrong. A contingency plan in project management is an important part …

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Max 7 min read

What Is Resource Planning And Why Is It Important

Project Management

How To Create a Solid Resource Plan: What is resource planning? Why is it important? And steps you can take to become a better resource planner.

Whether you’re looking for ways to streamline your business or just getting started, a resource plan is a must. Mapping out what you need to get the job done will make your company run more efficiently today and in the future. Are you considering putting together a resource plan, but are not sure how to …

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Max 7 min read

Multi Project Scheduling

Project Management

Multi-project Scheduling: How To Juggle Multiple Projects At Once…

The manager’s task is a juggling act, and the more projects you have on your plate, the more challenging it becomes. If you’re not diligent enough to set priorities, things will start falling out from under you. And, as a manager, you’re probably aware that when deadlines overlap or slip, it’s a ticket to disaster, …

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Max 7 min read

How to hire employees for startup


How to Hire Game-Changing Employees For Your Startup

@teamly For additional information on this topic, feel free to check out this Youtube video from our channel. Now, onto the main content… This post is most aimed at unfunded (or minimally funded) startups; hustlers that are getting their idea off the ground and are looking to hire their very first staff members. The difference …

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Max 9 min read

Increase Participation in Meetings

Best Practices

How to Increase Participation in Meetings – A Guide For Managers & Leaders

While this isn’t a new problem, it does appear to be one that’s gathering a head of steam. More than ever before, employees are reluctant to participate at meetings. This can be from a place of fear, uncertainty, disinterest, and many others. In this post, we’re going to share a host of ways to better …

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Max 8 min read

Difference Between Agile and Unified Process Methodology

Agile Methodology

What is The Difference Between Agile and Unified Process Methodology?

When starting a new project, it’s important to consider the type of methodology you will use. There are many different options, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Two of the most popular approaches are Agile and Unified Process. This article will compare and contrast these two methods to help you decide which is right …

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Max 6 min read

How to build a creative team

Team Building

How to Build and Run a Successful Creative Team

Building an in-house creative team to manage your communications and campaigns can be transformative. Rather than relying on organic growth, low-skilled workers (e.g CEO doing marketing themselves) or expensive agencies, you can empower your business to grow spectacularly by bringing all the most valuable creative skills under your roof. However, there are no shortcuts when …

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Max 11 min read

Dynamic Pricing Algorithms

Best Practices

Maximizing Profits: Why Dynamic Pricing Algorithms Are Here To Stay

Well-implemented dynamic pricing algorithms have the potential to increase your profits by double-figure percentages. The bigger the company and the more products, the bigger the impact. Recent technological advances have made dynamic pricing more accessible and, therefore, more widely deployed than ever before. But it’s not without risks. As much as these strategies can boost …

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Max 9 min read

Workload Management

Project Management

Managing Workload on a Team: A Guide to an Effective Team Workload Management

@teamly For additional information on this topic, feel free to check out this Youtube video from our channel. Now, onto the main content… Managing your team’s workload is vital for its success. The more effectively a manager can handle the workload, the better the team’s results. You can think of workload management as being an …

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Max 8 min read

The Impact of Poor Project Planning

Project Management

The 6 Most Damaging Results of a Poor Project Plan and How to Avoid Them

Project planning is the process of setting project goals and developing a plan for how to achieve them. It’s an ongoing activity that helps teams stay on track and reach their goals throughout the project’s life cycle, but it also necessitates organization skills, excellent time management, and good leadership qualities. All projects must be managed …

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Max 7 min read

How to Coach New Managers


How to Coach New Managers to Success

People management is absolutely crucial for sustained business growth. And at a certain point, it’s the only upward progression available to skilled workers. That’s why coaching new managers must be a priority for all businesses—unfortunately, that’s rarely the case. When companies talk about “coaching managers”, they too often veer into outcomes: be empathetic, maintain high …

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Max 7 min read

Project Management

Managing Project Schedules: Foundational principles for getting started

In today’s fast-paced business world, project managers are required to juggle an ever-growing number of tasks and responsibilities. With limited time and resources available, schedules must be managed effectively to ensure projects are delivered on time and within budget. While there is no one “right” way to manage a project schedule, there are several foundational …

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Max 6 min read

Challenges Faced by Managers in Motivating Employees

Project Management

The Top 17 Challenges that Managers Face When Attempting to Motivate Employees

In order to be successful in business, it’s important for managers to be able to motivate their employees. However, this is easier said than done, as managers face a variety of challenges when trying to motivate their teams. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the top 17 problems managers face when attempting …

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Max 12 min read

Small Project Management

Project Management

The Right Way to Set up a Management Plan for Small Projects. How to Manage Small Projects in 5 Steps.

Engineers are smart people, designers are creative people, marketers are persuasive people. But no matter what the skill set is, when it comes to working in the context of a team, your company needs organization. Especially if you want to be successful. Enter: The project manager. Project management is a necessary evil. It’s vital to …

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Max 11 min read

Managing Software Teams


How to Manage a Software Team: Creating a Framework for Success

It’s your responsibility as a software manager to make sure your staff is productive and successful. You don’t need to be a coder to be an excellent manager. Many great managers aren’t technically competent; what sets them apart is their ability to lead and inspire people. But leading software teams isn’t necessarily easy, It can …

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Max 7 min read

Tasks to delegate to a virtual assistant

Remote Work

13 Tasks All Business Owners Should Delegate to a Virtual Assistant

The role of virtual assistant has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years. Along with the general remote working and freelance boom, VAs have grown from an odd curiosity to a rewarding and lucrative career. More importantly, their impact on businesses has been shown to be incredibly powerful and worth the investment many times over. In …

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Max 12 min read

Future of IT outsourcing


The Future of IT Outsourcing: Can the Boom Continue?

IT outsourcing was booming before the Covid-19 pandemic came along. What started in the early late 1980s as a way to drastically slash costs has, over time, become a powerful means of accessing the exceptional talent of remote marketplaces—and the pandemic has simply accelerated this expansion. The difference is that 20-30 years ago, the pursuit …

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Max 5 min read

Project milestones examples

Project Management

A Milestone Master Plan with 9 Common Examples for Organizing Your Next Project

To be successful at project management it’s imperative to figure out ways to effectively monitor progress and mitigate risks. That’s why it’s a good idea to identify the major milestones of your project and put together a plan for reaching them. Milestones can help you keep track of your progress, detect potential problems, and ensure …

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Max 9 min read

How to monitor risks in a project

Project Management

How To Assess Risk As A Project Manager: Identifying and Evaluating Project Risks

@teamly For additional information on this topic, feel free to check out this Youtube video from our channel. Now, onto the main content… As a project manager, it’s essential to be able to identify and evaluate the risks associated with your projects. By doing so, you can reduce the likelihood of these risks becoming actual …

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Max 8 min read

Choosing firm goals for your business


How to Choose Firm but Ambitious Goals for Your Business

Most of us know that it’s focusing on the process that brings long-term success, not fixating on achieving specific goals. If your goal is to hit $100,000 monthly revenue and then you do it…what now? Your company’s whole identity was built towards this milestone. Worse, every month you don’t make $100,000 can feel like failure. …

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Max 8 min read

Collaboration tools to improve team communication

Best Practices

Using Collaboration Tools to Transform Communication Within Your Teams

Communication is the bedrock of successful teamwork. However, it’s not as straightforward as giving employees instant messaging tools or scheduling lots of tasks on a pretty Kanban board. Communication is a culture as much as an action. We all know this from experience. The teams with the best communication almost always get the best results, …

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Max 6 min read

How has project management evolved over time

Project Management

How Has Project Management Evolved Over Time?

Most sources claim that project management was “invented” in the mid-20th century, when Gantt charts were popularized and concepts like cost prediction and project scheduling were created. But history is filled with endless examples of project management brilliance. What is true is that, until around 1950, project management-specific techniques and tools had never been used. …

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Max 8 min read

Positive psychology team building activities


Team Building Activities for Your Business: How to Strengthen Team Bonding With Activities That Create Connection.

Creating a solid team is one of the most essential things you can do for your company. Not only do teams help with productivity and goal attainment, but they also provide social support and can increase morale. Teams are frequently more productive at completing activities than individuals. However, not all teams thrive. This raises a …

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Max 9 min read

Marketing Strategy Steps

Best Practices

6 Ways To Immediately Build & Improve Your Marketing Strategies: Make Sure The Work Your Team Is Doing Aligns With Strategies For Overall Effectiveness.

It’s easy to fall into a marketing rut. Especially if your company is doing well and you’re not seeing the desired results from your efforts. You might be tempted to blame the algorithm changes on social media, or the saturation of your industry. But more often than not, it’s simply that your marketing strategies need …

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Max 6 min read

Project Management Philosophy

Project Management

How to Develop a Project Management Philosophy for Your Team

The ability to collaborate with team members is essential for delivering great results. How can you do this and make sure everyone is on board? Develop your own project management philosophy, so that all team members meet their goals and deadlines with efficiency and ease. After all, a project management philosophy provides the backbone for …

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Max 6 min read

Mindfulness in Sales

Best Practices

Mindfulness in Sales: Skyrocket Your Career and Protect Your Health

Sales has always been a demanding job. Success requires a unique blend of resilience, constant motivation and charming personality. While currently underutilized, one of the most powerful tools at any salesperson’s disposal—for helping them achieve more success with a more sustainable work life—is mindfulness. Great salespeople have to engage with their own emotions on a …

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Max 10 min read

How do CEOs stay organized


How Successful CEOs Stay Organized Every Day of the Year

If you’re an aspiring CEO or future leader—or you’re already there and wondering how the heck other CEOs make it look so easy—then this is the read for you. We’re going to share effective, actionable advice for staying organized and at the top of your game while running your business. We’re going to cover a …

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Max 20 min read

How to Overcome challenges in Project Management

Project Management

How to Overcome Challenges in Project Management—The New Manager’s Guide

@teamly For additional information on this topic, feel free to check out this Youtube video from our channel. Now, onto the main content… Every project is unique. The people, the problems, the creative solutions, the setbacks—the experience of managing a project never repeats itself exactly. But even so, there are similarities between all projects. There …

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Max 9 min read

How to spark creativity

Best Practices

How to Spark Creativity: A Guide to Unleashing Your Creativity at Work

Many of us have this notion that creativity is all about adopting a Zen state of mind. Oscillate your mind in synchronization with the universe and brilliant ideas will spontaneously appear in your brain. And sometimes that happens! But usually, there are simpler and more effective ways to spark creativity. Creativity is how our brain …

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Max 7 min read

Improve Employee Productivity


The Ultimate Guide to Improving Employee Productivity

Introduction When it comes to improving productivity, there are no silver bullets. It’s not possible to apply a single trick (say, installing the hottest new software) that “cures” productivity within your organization. The reality is that there are hundreds of ways you can improve employee productivity. Some of them are massive, some are small, and …

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Max 39 min read


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