
Top 15 Leadership Goals You Should Set For Yourself

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Top 15 Leadership Goals You Should Set For Yourself
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Top 15 Leadership Goals You Should Set For Yourself

If you want to be effective, you have to set leadership goals.

In fact, that’s what separates the best leaders from the rest. They don’t just go with the flow–they have a clear vision and they’re always working towards achieving it.

So, what kind of goals should you set for yourself if you want to be a strong leader?

In this blog post, we’ll explore what kind of goals leaders should set in order to be effective.

Types of Goals

The Three Types of Goals Every Leader Should Set

Broadly speaking, leadership goals fall into three categories:

  1. Organization-Level Goals
  2. Department-Level Goals
  3. Individual-Level Goals

Organization-Level Goals

The first type of goal you should set for your organization should be an organization-level goal.

This is a goal that benefits the entire organization, not just a specific department or individual.

Organization-level goals could include increasing profits, expanding into new markets, or improving customer satisfaction.

Department-Level Goals

The second type of goal you should set is a department-level goal.

As the name implies, department-level goals are designed to benefit a specific department within the organization.

For example, a goal for the marketing department might be to increase brand awareness.

A goal for the human resources department might be to reduce turnover.

Individual-Level Goals

The third and final type of goal to consider is an individual-level goal.

Individual-level goals are designed to benefit a specific individual within the organization.

They are often used to help employees develop their skills and knowledge so that they can contribute more effectively to the organization.

For example, an individual-level goal might be to complete a leadership development program or earn a certain certification.

Benefits of Setting Effective Goals

The Benefits of Setting Effective Goals

There are many benefits to setting effective goals as a leader. Some of the most notable benefits include:

  • Helps to Clarify Purpose
  • Facilitates Planning
  • Encourages Action
  • Increases Motivation
  • Improves Performance
  • Creates a Sense of Accountability
  • Promotes Collaboration
  • Builds Trust
  • Strengthens relationships
  • Helps leaders stay focused

The Top 15 Goals The Best Leaders Set For Themselves

Now that we’ve covered the different types of goals you should set, it’s time to dive into some specific goals for you to aim for.

Here are 15 goals that every leader should set for themselves:

Automate and Delegate Tasks

1. Automate and Delegate

When you first start out as a leader, the temptation is for you to do everything yourself.

It’s easy to think that if you’re not involved in every task, it won’t get done right.

This is a recipe for disaster.

Not only will you quickly become overwhelmed, but you’ll also stifle creativity and innovation.

The key is to automate as much as possible and delegate the rest.

By automating, you can free up your time to focus on more important tasks. And by delegating, you can give others the opportunity to show what they’re capable of.

2. Get Acquainted with other Leaders in your Industry

No leader is an island.

To be successful you need teachers, mentors, and peers.

One of the best ways to find these people is to get acquainted with other leaders in your industry.

You can do this by attending industry events, reading books and articles written by other leaders, or following them on social media.

Why is this so important?

Because when leaders have a strong network, they can tap into this network for advice, mentorship, and even business opportunities.

Constructive Criticism

3. Learn How to Accept Constructive Criticism

Nobody likes to be told they’re doing something wrong.

But if you want to improve as a leader, you need to be open to constructive criticism. Not all criticism is worth taking to heart.

But if you can learn to identify the criticism that will help you improve, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a better leader.

4. Develop a Thick Skin

In a similar vein, it’s important for leaders to develop a thick skin.

This doesn’t mean you should ignore criticism altogether. But it does mean that you shouldn’t take everything personally.

There will always be people who don’t like you or your ideas. And that’s okay. Maybe you remind them of a bad boss they had in the past. Or maybe they’re just jealous of your success.

Either way, it’s not worth letting these people get under your skin.

5. Be Decisive

Leaders need to be decisive. Indecision is a sign of weakness and will only lead to more problems down the road.

Of course, being decisive doesn’t mean you should always go with your gut. There are times when it’s important to take your time and weigh all the options.

But in general, leaders need to be able to make quick decisions and stick to them.

Note: This will take some time and experience to hone in.

6. Be Flexible

While it’s important to be decisive, leaders also need to be flexible. Things change all the time and leaders need to be able to adapt.

If you’re too rigid, you’ll quickly become obsolete. But if you’re too flexible, you’ll have a hard time making progress.

The key is to find the right balance.

Master Plan

7. Create a Master Plan

A leader without a plan is like a ship without a rudder. You need to know where you’re going and how you’re going to get there.

The best way to do this is to create a master plan.

Your master plan should include your long-term goals, your strategy for achieving those goals, and a timeline for each goal.

By having a plan, you’ll be able to stay focused and make better use of your time.

8. Set Priorities

In addition to setting goals, it’s also important to set priorities.

Your priorities will change over time, and they will shift depending on the situation. But it’s important to always have a clear understanding of what your priorities are.

If you don’t, you’ll find yourself pulled in too many different directions and you won’t be able to make any real progress.

Priorities can be discovered by paying attention to your values.

9. Go on the Search for Your Passion

If you haven’t found your passion yet, now is the time to go on the search for it. Your passion is what will drive you to be successful.

It’s what will give you the motivation to keep going when things get tough.

And it’s what will make you a better leader.

It might not be super huge and earth-shattering. It could be something as simple as making people smile, numbers, or organizing things.

Whatever it is, lean in to it and let it guide you on your journey to becoming a great leader.

Hire and Train Top Talent

10. Hire and Train Top Talent

Talent is one of the most important assets a leader can have on their team.

Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to find.

When leaders do find top talent, they need to do everything they can to keep them on their team.

This means offering competitive salaries and benefits, providing opportunities for professional development, and creating a positive work environment.

It’s also important for leaders to invest in their team’s development.

This could involve sending them to training courses, providing mentorship, or simply giving them opportunities to grow within the company.

Now if you’re part of a start up, the budget for this may not be readily available so get creative. internships, oversea talent programs, or even looking for remote talent are all great ways to get around this.

Effective Communication

11. Communicate Effectively

If you have a plan. If you have passion. If you have top talent on your team. The only way any of that will matter is if you’re able to communicate effectively.

Leaders need to be able to share their vision in a way that inspires others to follow them.

They need to be able to give clear instructions and provide feedback that is both positive and constructive.

And they need to be able to do all of this in a way that is respectful and professional.

12. Pay Attention to Momentum

Momentum is the engine that drives your team forward. It’s what keeps your team going when things get tough.

As a leader, it’s your job to pay attention to all momentum – both the positive and negative types.

If you see momentum starting to build, it’s your job to capitalize on it and keep it going.

On the other hand, if you see momentum beginning to stall, it’s your job to figure out why and get things moving again.

This is true for you and your own internal drive too. As a leader, you need to be aware of when you’re starting to lose steam so that you can recharge your batteries and get back to work.

Stay Focused

13. Stay Focused

The ability to stay focused is essential for any leader. There will always be distractions and things that try to pull you off course.

But if you want to be successful, you need to learn how to ignore them and stay focused on what’s important. One way to do this is to set weekly or daily goals.

This will help you stay on track and make sure you’re making progress.

It’s also important to take breaks when you need them. This will help you stay fresh and avoid burnout.

14. Daily Reflection

Leadership is a journey, not a destination. And like any journey, it’s important to reflect on your progress along the way.

One way to do this is to keep a daily journal. This doesn’t have to be anything fancy.

Just write down what you did each day and how it made you feel.

Over time, you’ll start to see patterns emerge. This will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you can continue to grow as a leader.

15. Seek Feedback And Truth At All Cost

No leader is perfect. We all have room for improvement. The only way to know where you need to improve is to seek feedback from those around you.

This can be difficult, but it’s essential if you want to continue growing as a leader.

It’s also important to seek the truth, even when it’s unpleasant. This will help you make better decisions and avoid making mistakes.

The bottom line is that leadership is a journey. It’s not something that you achieve overnight.

It takes time, effort, and a lot of hard work. But if you’re willing to put in the work, you can be a great leader. Just remember to set goals, communicate effectively, stay focused, and always seek feedback and truth.

Commandments goal setting

The 10 Commandments goal setting

Here’s a list of 10 commandments that will help you set great goals and achieve success as a leader:

Commandment #1 – Set realistic goals.

  • Goals are pointless if they’re not achievable.
  • You need to set goals that challenge you but are still within the realm of possibility.

Commandment #2 – Set specific goals.

  • Vague goals are impossible to achieve.
  • Be as specific as possible when you’re setting goals.
  • The more specific you are, the easier it will be to take action and achieve your goals.

Commandment #3 – Set measurable goals.

  • If you can’t measure your goal, you won’t be able to tell if you’ve achieved it.
  • Make sure your goals are quantifiable so that you can track your progress.

Commandment #4 – Set time-bound goals.

  • Goals need to have a deadline.
  • If you don’t set a deadline, you’ll never feel the urgency to take action and achieve your goal.

Commandment #5 – Set challenging goals.

  • If your goals are too easy, you won’t be motivated to achieve them. On the other hand, if your goals are too difficult, you’ll get discouraged and give up.
  • The key is to find the sweet spot by setting goals that are just challenging enough to push you outside your comfort zone.

Commandment #6 – Be clear about what you want to achieve.

  • The more clear you are about your goals, the easier it will be to achieve them.
  • Make sure you have a crystal-clear vision of what you want to achieve before you take action.

Commandment #7 – Align goals with your company’s mission and values.

  • Your goal should be something that supports your company’s mission and values.
  • If it’s not, you’ll likely have a hard time achieving it.

Commandment #8 – Be prepared to adjust your goals as needed.

  • As you work towards your goal, you may realize that it’s not realistic or achievable.
  • If this happens, be prepared to adjust your goals.

Commandment #9 – Celebrate progress along the way.

  • Celebration keeps momentum up.
  • To celebrate means an acknowledgement that you are on the right track.
  • When you take time to celebrate your progress, it helps you stay motivated and focused on your goal.

Commandment #10 – Keep your team focused on the goal.

  • As a leader, it’s your job to keep your team focused on the goal.
  • This means regularly communicating the goal to your team, checking in on their progress, and providing support when needed.


Setting effective goals is one of the most important skills a leader can possess. By setting goals that are inspirational, strategic, and tactical, you can ensure that your team has the motivation and direction necessary to achieve success.

By following the tips in this article, you can set effective goals that will benefit both you and your organization.

What’s important is that you take the time to set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. If you do this, you’ll be well on your way to achieving success as a leader.

When it comes to leadership goal setting, the sky’s the limit. So dream big and set goals that challenge you. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

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