Project Management

Managing Project Schedules: Foundational principles for getting started

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Managing Project Schedules: Foundational principles for getting started
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Managing Project Schedules: Foundational principles for getting started

In today’s fast-paced business world, project managers are required to juggle an ever-growing number of tasks and responsibilities. With limited time and resources available, schedules must be managed effectively to ensure projects are delivered on time and within budget.

While there is no one “right” way to manage a project schedule, there are several foundational principles that should be followed to create an effective and efficient plan. In this blog post, we will explore the basics of project scheduling, the challenges that you might face, and several tips to help you manage your next project schedule.

What is a project schedule and why do you need one?

A project schedule is a plan that describes the activities, milestones, and dependencies of all work required to achieve an objective within the parameter of a project.

Projects are temporary endeavors undertaken by one organization (or team) to create unique deliverables specified by shareholders or customers for a specific purpose.

A schedule is an essential tool for project managers as it allows them to plan and track the progress of their projects, identify potential risks and issues, and make necessary adjustments to keep the project on track.

Without a project schedule, it would be very difficult (if not impossible) to keep track of all the tasks that need to be completed and the specific processes that need to be followed. The basic principles of scheduling are important because they help ensure that all tasks have been identified, processed, assigned resources (if required), and scheduled accordingly.

The creation of a schedule is also an essential part of managing change on your project as it makes it possible to identify scope changes promptly and assess the impact on the overall project schedule.

The basics of managing a project schedule

The basic principles of scheduling are pretty straightforward: define the scope, develop milestones and dependencies between tasks, assign resources to complete each task, and then follow up with regular reporting to monitor progress and ensure that the plan is on track.

Define the scope

The first step in creating a project schedule is to define the scope of the project. This includes understanding what needs to be done, who will be involved, and how long it is expected to take. The more detailed the definition of the project scope, the easier it will be to develop an accurate schedule.

Develop milestones and dependencies between tasks

Once the scope of the project has been defined, milestones and dependencies between tasks need to be identified. Milestones are key points in a project that signify significant accomplishments or changes in direction.

Dependencies between tasks describe the relationship between two or more tasks (e.g., task A cannot start until task B is completed). Assigning dependencies helps ensure that the schedule is arranged in a logical sequence and helps reduce the risk of tasks being done out-of-order.

Assign resources to complete each task

The basic principle for assigning resources (e.g., people, teams, organizations) to projects or programs are based on two factors: availability and capability. While resource allocation may appear to be a simple task, it can often be difficult to find the right resources at the right time and ensure that they have the necessary skills and experience to complete the task.

Follow up with regular reporting to monitor progress and ensure that the plan is on track

The final basic principle for managing a project schedule is to establish a process for regular reporting to stakeholders. This includes setting up regular meetings to review the schedule and identify any potential issues or delays, as well as updating the schedule with actual progress once it has been verified.


The basic principles of scheduling are essential for anyone involved in managing a project. By understanding these principles and applying them effectively, you can create a schedule that is realistic and helps you stay on track.


Now that we have gone over the basic principles of scheduling, let’s take a look at some of the more common challenges project managers face when it comes to managing their schedules.

  • Point-in-time estimation

    When estimating the duration of tasks, it’s important to remember that estimates are just that – estimates. There is always a certain amount of uncertainty involved in predicting how long something will take. As a project manager, you need to be prepared for unforeseen delays and be able to adjust your schedule as needed.

  • “What if” analysis

    One of the basic principles of scheduling is to identify as many potential contingencies upfront. By doing this, you can be better prepared for delays and other issues that may arise during your project. However, there are always unknown factors involved in any major undertaking and it’s important not to get too caught up in potential problems.

  • Resource allocation

    Resource allocation can be a challenge, especially when there is a shortage of qualified personnel or when the project requires specific expertise that is not readily available. As a project manager, it’s important to be proactive in finding the right resources and planning for potential delays.

  • Communicating schedule changes

    When things change – and they always do – it’s important to communicate those changes effectively to all of the stakeholders affected by them. This includes updating the schedule as needed and holding regular status meetings to keep everyone informed.

  • Maintaining focus on the end goal

    It’s easy to get bogged down in the details of a project and lose sight of the end goal. As a project manager, it’s important to stay focused on the objectives of the project and make sure everyone involved is aware of what needs to be done to achieve those goals.


It’s important to be prepared for the challenges that inevitably come up during any major project. With careful planning and a lot of hard work, you can successfully manage your project schedule and see your project through to completion.

Tips for staying on track with your project timelines

Use a project management software to create and track your schedule

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Anticipate potential delays and problems and plan for them accordingly

This approach will help you avoid situations where you have to throw out your schedule and start from scratch. Review the basic principles of scheduling Make sure that all your team members are aware of these basic guidelines for creating a realistic project schedule.

Communicate changes effectively to all stakeholders

As a project manager, be prepared to adjust your schedule as needed and share any changes with all affected parties. As a best practice, discuss potential obstacles and issues with your team so that everyone is on the same page.

Stay focused on the end goal of the project.

Remember to always keep the end goal in mind and remember that a project is never really finished until the final product is delivered and accepted by the client.

What to do when the original timeline doesn’t work out…

There will inevitably be times when the original timeline for a project doesn’t work out. When this happens, it’s important to take a step back and figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. Here are a few tips for getting back on track:

  • Review your schedule and make changes as needed
  • Reassess the basic principles of scheduling to identify any overlooked risks and potential obstacles
  • Communicate with team members, stakeholders, and clients as needed to keep everyone informed about the schedule changes.

A look at how project scheduling can be used in various industries…

Almost every sector may benefit from project management. Let’s take a look at a few examples, such as building, manufacturing, retail, and software development.

Construction projects

Project scheduling for construction projects: contractors and developers need to be very proactive when it comes to planning out their schedules. After all, a delay can mean thousands of dollars in lost revenue – not including the cost of keeping project team members on staff longer than anticipated. This is especially true with specialty trades like plumbing or electrical work that require specific licenses and certifications.


Project scheduling for manufacturing: manufacturers have a lot of flexibility when it comes to their schedules, but they still need to account for basic principles like raw materials delivery times and shipping logistics. These factors can make or break the effective planning of a project schedule that takes into consideration all aspects affecting production flow and output capacity during each stage of the manufacturing process.


Project scheduling for retail businesses: one of the main challenges for retailers is the variability of customer demand. This means that store managers need to be able to plan staffing and inventory needs on a week-by-week basis, rather than relying on long-term forecasts. Because of this, most retailers use some form of project management software to keep track of their sales and customer data.

Software development

Project scheduling for software development: as with most projects, effective communication is key when it comes to software development project schedules. Developers need to be able to plan their work and account for potential delays that may arise during the coding and testing phases of a project. By using an agile methodology and breaking down tasks into small, achievable chunks, developers can ensure that their project schedules are always up-to-date and reflect the latest changes.

In conclusion…

Project scheduling is necessary for all projects – no matter what industry you’re in. By understanding the basic principles of scheduling and realistically applying them, you’ll be able to create more effective project schedules that deliver results.


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