Project Management

Project Management Artifacts

Project Management

Unlocking the Mystery of Project Management Artifacts: The Essential Guide to Navigating Your Projects Successfully

Understanding the intricacies of project management artifacts isn’t just about getting to grips with fancy terminology or adding another layer of complexity to your projects. It’s about wielding a set of tools that can profoundly transform your approach to managing tasks, deadlines, and team dynamics. With the right artifacts in your arsenal, you’re not just …

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Max 6 min read

project kick off meeting

Project Management

Nail Your Next Project Kickoff: The Insider’s Guide to Engaging Meetings

Are you on the cusp of embarking on your next big project kickoff? Let’s delve into transforming this from being just another item on your agenda into the launchpad for unparalleled success. Embarking on a new project often feels like standing at the edge of a cliff, ready to take the plunge. The initial leap, …

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Max 7 min read

Accounting Project Management Software

Project Management

The Best Accounting Project Management Software in 2024: Your Ultimate Guide

Get ready to revolutionize your accounting firm in 2024 with our ultimate guide to the best accounting project management software! Imagine transforming your daily grind into a streamlined, high-octane experience. That’s exactly what we’re offering – a virtual treasure map leading you to the hidden gems of accounting software. In this no-nonsense guide, we’ll start …

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Max 17 min read

Enterprise Project Management

Project Management

Ready for Enterprise Project Management? Grab Your Top Tools and Tips to Boost Efficiency

Are you planning a major software upgrade? Launch a new product line? Conduct clinical trials? Complex projects require many tools to hit the finish line. And enterprise project management is one of them. It ensures you deliver projects despite risks and uncertainties. What’s more, it helps your business stay competitive in the long run. So, …

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Max 7 min read

project management software for mac

Project Management

Top 10 Project Management Software for Mac in 2023

Apple is known for being the hardware option where design meets functionality. Mac users often find themselves at a crossroads when it comes to selecting the right software. The challenge? Finding project management tools that are compatible with macOS and offer the features and experience Mac users have come to expect. The marketplace is not …

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Max 13 min read

Project Manager Without Experience


How to Become a Project Manager Without Experience: A Step-by-Step Guide to Breaking the Mold

So, you want to become a project manager but there’s a slight hiccup: you have zero experience in project management. The job listings make you feel like you’re trying to enter an exclusive club with a neon sign flashing, “No Experience, No Entry.” But what if I told you there’s a back door? The general …

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Max 10 min read

Image represents project failure

Project Management

Know Your Blind Spots: The Top Ten 10 Reasons Why Projects Fail, Plus How to Avert a Hot Mess in Your Upcoming Projects

We’ve all had that sinking feeling in a project when disaster looms ahead, a turnaround is nowhere in sight and we realize the only way out is to jump ship. These failed projects so often begin innocently enough. The team and client set off buoyant and full of hope. Yet just even one fatal turn …

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Max 10 min read

PERT in Project Management

Project Management

PERT in Project Management: What It Is and How to Use It (With Examples)

Aren’t project managers a curious bunch? They’ve got this itch for innovation and excellence. They constantly seek that one thing that could turn their projects into absolute marvels. Well, that’s where PERT in project management comes into play. Whether you’re creating the next big app, putting together an art show, or even launching a fashion …

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Max 6 min read

Image represents why project managers are important


Why Every Project Needs a Captain: The Importance of Project Managers

Imagine a scenario where a project is like a ship sailing without a captain. There’s no one to steer, no one to plan the route, and no one to keep things on track. Everyone on the project team is trying their best, but there’s confusion. People aren’t sure who’s responsible for what, and important tasks …

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Max 6 min read

project management techniques

Project Management

9 Proven Project Management Techniques to Achieve Project Goals Faster

Have you ever seen a ship sailing without navigation? A pilot flying blind? Chaos, right? Managing projects without the right techniques can feel like that wild ride. But hold up. These techniques aren’t just random rules scribbled on a napkin. They’re the best strategies that experts have figured out after tons of trial, error, and …

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Max 8 min read

project objectives examples

Project Management

Project Objectives: Examples and Tips to Help You Hit the Bullseye

Here you are standing in a buzzing boardroom where discussions fill the air. With each conversation, you’re trying to define and solve a business problem. But walking into this boardroom without clear goals is like trying to find your way blindfolded. When it comes to your next project, understanding the power of objectives is key. …

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Max 10 min read

needs analysis

Project Management

The Beginners Guide to Needs Analysis: Methods and Examples

Imagine you’re preparing for the launch of a new restaurant venture. The location is prime, the interior is stylish, and there’s palpable excitement in the air amongst the staff. But on opening day, only a handful of patrons stroll in. Why? You’ve stocked up on the finest sushi ingredients in a neighborhood that’s yearning for …

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Max 9 min read

project planning tools

Project Management

The 2023 Guide to Planning Tools for Project Management

The complexity of modern projects requires more than just a to-do list. Without the right tools, project management can become a maze with no clear path to success. The confusion grows, tasks overlap, deadlines are missed, and the entire project can stall. The need for clarity and control becomes critical. Project planning tools are the …

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Max 14 min read

Analogous Estimating

Project Management

The Beginners Guide to Analogous Estimating in Project Management

Estimation might not be the most glamorous aspect of project management, but it’s undoubtedly one of vital importance. Whether you’re renovating a house, planning a wedding, or managing a corporate project, having an accurate estimate can mean the difference between success and unexpected hiccups. And that’s where analogous estimating comes into play. But what is …

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Max 11 min read

project scheduling tools

Project Management

The Ultimate Guide to Project Scheduling Tools in 2023

Juggling multiple project tasks without a proper scheduling tool is like trying to keep a dozen balls in the air at once. Sooner or later, something is going to drop. This can lead to missed deadlines, budget blowouts, and a stressed-out team. Thankfully, project scheduling tools can help you keep all your project balls in …

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Max 14 min read

free project management softwares

Project Management

The Ultimate Roundup of Free Project Management Software for 2023

Are you, in search of free project management software for the year 2023? With projects becoming more complex and diverse the demand for user tools to manage them has never been greater. Using the right project management tools allows teams to plan, execute and monitor projects with ease. These platforms are crucial in ensuring that …

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Max 23 min read

rough order of magnitude

Project Management

Rough Order of Magnitude: Your Guide to Early Project Estimation

Imagine you’re about to launch a new project, but before you dive headfirst into the details, you need a rough idea of the time, resources, and cost it’ll demand. Wouldn’t it be helpful to have a broad, ballpark figure to start with? Absolutely! That’s where the concept of Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) comes into …

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Max 9 min read

what is an action plan

Project Management

The Beginners Guide to Creating An Action Plan

Imagine being a conductor of a world-class orchestra with no musical score, each member of the ensemble playing their own tune. Harmony is disrupted; chaos takes center stage. Similarly, the lack of an action plan in any business can lead to inefficiency, confusion, and missed opportunities. An action plan serves as that indispensable compass, the …

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Max 8 min read

clinical project management

Project Management

5 Soft and Hard Skills to Crushing It as a Clinical Trial Project Manager

Even if you already know all the ropes of project management, clinical trials can throw a curveball. With all its procedures and protocols and phases, a clinical trial is a world unto its own. It’s exciting to be a part of the research that goes into a major medical breakthrough, but for anyone new to …

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Max 5 min read

operational planning

Project Management

How Operational Planning Skyrockets Your Business Success

You’re here because something sparked your interest. It’s that twinkle in your entrepreneurial spirit, a craving for knowledge, and a thirst for business success. Maybe you’ve heard about operational planning, or perhaps it’s a new term. Either way, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty, shall we? Why Operational Planning is Your Business’s Secret Weapon Why …

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Max 8 min read

manufacturing project management

Project Management

Best Practices for Project Management in the Manufacturing Industry

They say that change is constant, but for manufacturing, change is both constant and rapid. It wasn’t so very long ago that agile, kanban, lean and the theory of constraints took manufacturing plants by storm, and everyone was focused on pull workflows, continuous improvement and systems built around the weakest link in a process. Now, …

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Max 9 min read

project quality management plan

Project Management

You’ve Got This! A Step-By-Step Guide to Crafting an Unbeatable Quality Management Plan

No more worrying about managing quality in your projects. This guide has got you covered, offering a straightforward path to crafting a winning Quality Management Plan (QMP). After all, who doesn’t appreciate a bit of order in the chaos of project management? A friendly nudge: Why you need to care about Quality Management Plan (QMP) …

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Max 7 min read

backlog grooming

Project Management

Your Handy Guide to Agile Backlog Grooming: Mastering the Art of Prioritization

Ever wondered what backlog grooming really is? If you’re thinking it’s got something to do with cutting down tasks and activities, then you’re on the right track, but there’s more to the story. So, let’s break it down together. Backlog grooming, also known as backlog refinement, is about keeping your backlog—the list of tasks or …

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Max 5 min read

s curve in project management

Project Management

See It in Action: How to Create and Use S-Curves in Project Management

Wanna enjoy the ride to project success? Discover the tool that helps you spot the twists, turns, and potential bottlenecks every step of the way. Join us as we explore what an S-curve is and how to use it in project management. Along the way, you’ll find quick examples and advanced tips to get started. …

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Max 6 min read

what is needs assessment

Project Management

What Is a Needs Assessment? (+ Five Steps, Examples, and Top Tools to Master It)

Picture this: a company purchases new software for its staff. Everyone expects a smooth transition and improved productivity. Yet, the end result is far from what they expected. First, it turns out the software misses important features to help with task management. What’s more, integration issues crop up again and again. Ultimately, employees rebel against …

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Max 7 min read

process management vs project management

Project Management

Navigating Your Project and Process Management Maze: Making It Work for You

Does your workday resemble a high-stakes circus act where you juggle flaming balls and the audience wields pitchforks? Rest assured; you’re not alone. In the grand arena of business, balancing projects and processes can feel like walking a tightrope without a safety net. Efficient task management is undoubtedly important. The buzzwords, “project management” and “process …

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Max 7 min read

project monitoring

Project Management

Mastering the Art of Project Monitoring for Successful Outcomes

Every project manager has experienced one, if not all, of these pains: That moment when, despite the best-laid plans, the project starts to veer off course. The deadline that was once far away now looms dangerously close. Cost estimates are steadily creeping upwards. The once enthusiastic team members are now overwhelmed and stressed. If only …

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Max 7 min read

risk management tools

Project Management

Risky Business: The Top Risk Management Tools, Techniques, Softwares and Methodologies

Most of us have learned the hard way that lightning strikes when we least expect it. And when it strikes, you want to be prepared. Because if you don’t get ahead of an incident or an issue, you pay the price. Scope increases, budgets swell and deadlines are extended. Sometimes, when a project cannot scramble …

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Max 14 min read

project controls

Project Management

Project Controls 101: A Roadmap to Successful Project Delivery

Have you ever wondered how successful businesses manage their projects so effectively? The secret to their success often lies in their project controls strategy. Project controls are the integrative approach of managing a project’s schedule, cost, and quality to meet the desired objectives. When done right, they can help mitigate risks, manage costs, and ensure …

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Max 10 min read

hybrid work schedule

Project Management

Going Remote? Here’s Why a Hybrid Work Schedule Might be the Right Choice for Your Team

Remote work is something we spent a lot of time thinking about at Teamly! Perhaps it’s something your team tried out during the pandemic, or maybe you’ve been doing it for years. Either way, if you’ve experimented with remote work, you’ve probably noticed it’s far from a one-size-fits-all model. Some remote teams thrive across time …

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Max 10 min read

interior design project management

Project Management

How to Master Interior Design Projects: Tips, Tools, and A Checklist for Success

No design idea is too complicated. No risks are frightening. And no client expectations are impossible when you master the art of project management in interior design. Yes, interior designers can weave magic and beauty into every space they touch. But within this creative realm, they face countless challenges that demand their expertise and resourcefulness. …

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Max 11 min read

project closeout

Project Management

Project Closeout: The Final Piece of the Project Management Puzzle

Have you ever felt the thrill of crossing the finish line after a long, hard race? That’s the feeling many project managers yearn for when they reach the project closeout phase. Project closeout, the final phase in the project management lifecycle, is the process of finalizing and reviewing all project activities to ensure that all …

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Max 11 min read

pilot project meaning

Project Management

Unlocking the Magic of Pilot Projects: Your Go-to Guide for Success

Imagine launching a full-scale project only to find out halfway through that it’s not as viable as you thought. You’ve invested time, money, and resources, only to see it crumble. Sounds like a nightmare, right? Well, that’s where pilot projects come in as your lifesaver. As you navigate the landscape of your industry, pilot projects …

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Max 6 min read

evm in project management

Project Management

The Project Manager’s Essential Guide to Earned Value Management

Imagine standing at the helm of a project, steering it through the choppy waters of resource management, cost control, and tight deadlines. It’s a thrilling adventure, but at times, you may feel like you’re navigating uncharted territory. That’s where Earned Value Management (EVM) comes to the rescue! EVM is a powerful compass that can guide …

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Max 12 min read

project assumptions

Project Management

Known Unknowns: A List of Common Project Assumptions (& What to Do About Them!)

“We should have known.” It’s such a common phrase to hear when reflecting on a project that’s gone over budget or schedule. Whether it’s materials arriving late, employees quitting, or prices soaring, so often a project goes off the rails because of something that might have been prevented. In the eager anticipation to get a …

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Max 9 min read

Team Charter

Project Management

Collaborate, Communicate, and Conquer: Mastering Team Charters for Optimal Performance

The secret to a high-performing and cohesive team often lies in the clarity of purpose, well-defined roles, and strong communication. Team charters provide this foundation, creating a shared understanding of the team’s objectives, expectations, and processes. A team charter serves as a roadmap for your team’s journey, outlining each member’s purpose, goals, roles, and responsibilities. …

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Max 6 min read

risk mitigation strategies

Project Management

Preventing Disaster: 9 Risk Mitigation Strategies and Examples for Your Business

The recent failure of Silicon Valley Bank (reportedly the largest institutional failure since the 2008 financial crisis!) is a stark reminder of one thing. When it comes to business management, it’s better to be safe than sorry. With the increasing complexity of global events beyond our control, it’s crucial to have robust risk management techniques …

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Max 7 min read

best construction project management software

Project Management

Finding the Best Construction Project Management Software: A Comprehensive Guide

Envision this scenario: You’re a construction project manager, juggling multiple tasks like a circus performer. You’ve got deadlines to meet, budgets to balance, and a communication nightmare on your hands. Suddenly, you remember hearing about a magical solution called construction project management software. With bated breath, you decide to give it a try, and poof …

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Max 17 min read

risk register in project management

Project Management

Tackling Project Risks: A Practical Guide to Building Effective Risk Registers

Project management is all about planning, executing, and controlling projects to achieve specific goals, right? Well, one of the most crucial aspects we need to consider as project managers is managing risks. As you can imagine, uncertainties and unexpected events can sometimes throw our projects off track or even lead to major setbacks. Now, addressing …

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Max 12 min read

technical project management

Project Management

Technical Project Management Made Easy: Top Skills, Books, and Tools for Success

What do building a bridge, launching a rocket, and developing software have in common? Correct! They all require technical project management to be successful. As a technical project manager, you’re the conductor of a symphony of engineers, developers, designers, and stakeholders, all working together to achieve a common goal. But how do you ensure your …

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Max 10 min read

eac in project management

Project Management

A Guide to Better Budgeting & Forecasting Using Estimate at Completion (EAC) in Project Management

Managing a project from start to finish is a big undertaking for a project manager. One of the biggest challenges? Budgeting and forecasting! The uncertainty of costs and multiple variables can make budgeting for a project almost impossible. And that’s where Estimate at Completion (EAC) in project management comes in. EAC is an Earned Value …

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Max 7 min read

virtual project management

Project Management

Mastering the Art of Virtual Project Management: Create Winning Teams from Anywhere

In an astonishingly short five years, Upwork’s (the world’s biggest freelancing platform) study forecasts that a whopping 73% of all departments will be composed entirely of remote workers. That is almost three out of every four divisions. As our world becomes increasingly connected, virtual project management is no longer just a trend; it’s quickly becoming …

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Max 10 min read

nonprofit project management

Project Management

Top 15 Project Management Software for Nonprofit Organizations

Reducing human suffering. Increasing awareness of social issues. Creating a safer environment. Promoting education… This is just a short list of missions that usually drive nonprofit organizations. In order to achieve social impact, nonprofit organizations are placing a greater emphasis on project management as an essential tool. This is because effective nonprofit project management demands …

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Max 20 min read

marketing campaign management

Project Management

From Planning to Execution: A Complete Guide to Marketing Campaign Management Mastery

In today’s fast-paced marketing landscape, businesses face numerous challenges in managing their marketing campaigns. Feeling overwhelmed by coordinating multi-channel campaigns, grappling with effective data usage, or lacking a well-defined strategy and goals is not uncommon. If you’re nodding in agreement, rest assured that you’re not alone. Fortunately, there’s a way to bring clarity and structure …

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Max 8 min read

website project management

Project Management

How to Ace your Next Website Project with Website Project Management

Your website is one of the most critical assets your business can have. It’s your home on the internet. An opportunity to brand your business. And when done correctly, it can help your business establish and nurture relationships with their clients long before you ever work together. At the same time, making a website is …

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Max 15 min read

healthcare project management

Project Management

Mastering Healthcare Project Management: Tips and Examples

Meet Emma, a healthcare practitioner with years of experience in the industry. Recently, she got to lead a major project at the hospital where she works. As excited as she is about the project, Emma quickly realizes she has no training in healthcare project management. Despite her expertise in healthcare, she feels uncertain and overwhelmed. …

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Max 16 min read

progressive elaboration in project management

Project Management

Adapt and Refine: How Progressive Elaboration Can Benefit Your Business

Businesses thrive and survive off the back of effective project management. Success for companies of all sizes, from small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to solo entrepreneurs, boils down to it. Often working with limited resources, tight budgets, and high stakes, finding the right balance between flexibility and control is crucial. That’s where progressive elaboration comes …

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Max 10 min read

project delays

Project Management

Mastering the Art of Timely Project Completion: How to Understand, Prevent, and Manage Project Delays

Imagine this: You’re a project manager, and your team has been working tirelessly for months on a high-stakes project. The deadline is fast approaching, and suddenly you hit a roadblock. Perhaps a key resource becomes unavailable, or a critical task takes longer than anticipated. Sound familiar? Welcome to the world of project delays. In the …

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Max 11 min read

Social Media Project Management

Project Management

Streamlining Your Social Media Efforts: A Guide to Effective Project Management

In an ever increasingly digital world, social media has emerged as a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. The meteoric rise of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok has transformed the way businesses communicate, engage, and build relationships with their customers. With millions of people worldwide actively participating in social media, it has …

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Max 13 min read

raid in project management

Project Management

The Ultimate Guide to RAID in Project Management

Project managers are used to having a lot on their plates. Planning the project. Organizing tasks. Leading a team. Overseeing the time. Monitoring progress. Communicating. Managing risks. Are you tired yet? Learning new methodologies and managing documentation can become yet another thing on a project manager’s long list of responsibilities. It’s up to the manager …

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Max 8 min read

real estate project management

Project Management

Navigating the Real Estate Maze: Your Practical Guide to Project Management

Stepping into the world of real estate can be thrilling yet daunting, particularly when it comes to managing projects that can make or break your investment. Effective project management is the key to unlocking success in this intricate landscape. Our practical guide equips you with the necessary knowledge to navigate the complexities of real estate …

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Max 9 min read

project management experience

Project Management

Project Management Experience Uncovered: From Skills to Certifications and Beyond

Are you an aspiring project manager eager to dive into the world of project management but need help figuring out where to start? Or are you a seasoned professional looking to refresh your knowledge and explore new methodologies? No matter your background, this article is designed to set you up with essential insights and perspectives …

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Max 10 min read

Crashing in Project Management

Project Management

Crashing in Project Management: How to Do It and Why It Matters

Let’s picture a high-speed chase in an action movie. The hero needs to catch the villains before they get away, but time is running out. So, the hero pushes his car to the limit, swerves through traffic, and takes risks he wouldn’t normally consider… In project management, crashing is like that – a desperate, high-pressure …

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Max 9 min read

personal project management

Project Management

Go Productive: 6 Best Tools for Personal Project Management

Tired of juggling multiple spreadsheets, to-do lists, and sticky notes to manage your projects? Dreaming of a tool that can help you stay organized, focused, and on top of your game? Making the transition from scattered project management to streamlined workflows can seem like a daunting task. But the good news is – you can …

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Max 10 min read

Precedence Diagramming Method

Project Management

Need help scheduling your project? Try the Precedence Diagramming Method.

Project management can make tasks of any scale more streamlined and efficient. But as a project grows in size and complexity – or perhaps you have multiple projects to schedule? – a visual tool to help you understand the dependencies between tasks becomes more important. That’s where Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM) comes in. PDM is …

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Max 6 min read

project coordination

Project Management

Elevate Your Project Coordination: Unlock the Secrets to Project Management Success

Are you on a quest to master project coordination and achieve unparalleled project success? Look no further. In this guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of project coordination and share valuable insights to help you elevate your skills to new heights. So, sit back, relax, and let’s unlock the secrets to project management success …

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Max 12 min read

Are you looking for Visual Project Management guide? Ready to explore the types and benefits of visual project management software? Let's dive in.

Project Management

Simplify Complex Projects with Visual Project Management

Have you ever been in a meeting that started with promising ideas only to devolve into confusion? Is it challenging to digest a three-page project status report on a weekly basis? Are you constantly trying to keep a dozen balls in the air without dropping any? When traditional methods fail, you have no other choice. …

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Max 10 min read

roles in a team project

Project Management

From Roles to Results: How Proper Team Structure Can Drive Project Performance

Team projects are an essential aspect of modern business, allowing a group of individuals to work together towards a shared goal. Whether launching a new product or service, executing a marketing campaign, or developing a new software application, a team project can be a highly effective way to achieve successIt’s also important to consider each …

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Max 13 min read

bac in project management

Project Management

Quick Guide: How to Calculate BAC in Project Management

Tired of the chaos that comes with managing project expenses? Drowning in a sea of costs, desperately trying to stay within budget? Luckily, there is a simple yet powerful tool to transform the way you manage your project’s financial health. Introducing BAC, or Budget At Completion, the best shortcut to keeping your project in check. …

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Max 6 min read

trello alternatives

Project Management

Upgrade Your Workflow: The Best Trello Alternatives for 2023

Project management can be a real challenge, especially when you have a lot of tasks and team members to juggle. Trello has become a popular tool among businesses of all sizes for helping to popularize Kanban boards and because it’s free to start using. It’s easy to use and doesn’t require any prolonged onboarding pain, …

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Max 20 min read

project management calendar

Project Management

How to Create an Organized Project Management Calendar for your Projects

Deadlines. Milestones. Resources. Dependencies. There are so many factors that go into planning a successful project. But how to organize all of these things into one comprehensive view? That’s where project management calendars come in. A project management calendar is a tool that can help project managers plan and schedule any events related to a …

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Max 8 min read

event project management

Project Management

A No-Stress Guide to Event Project Management + Checklist

Have you ever attended an event and wondered how it all came together so perfectly? The answer is event project management. When we talk about project management for event planning, we’re talking about the process of planning, maintaining and organizing a successful event. This includes everything from managing the team, planning logistics, and communicating with …

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Max 11 min read

project management podcasts

Project Management

Stay Ahead: Top 6 Project Management Podcasts You Can’t Miss

The freedom to tune in and switch off anytime, anywhere. The intimacy of voice. The possibility to interact through comments and feedback. Podcasts combine all these features, helping listeners enjoy their favorite programs online. No wonder podcasts have grown into a best friend next door – who meets you every day or every week – …

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Max 8 min read

Image represents tasks management

Project Management

7 Reasons Why Project Management Tools Are Essential for Remote Work

In today’s rapidly changing work landscape, remote work has become increasingly popular. One study shows that 84% of professionals consider remote work options before taking on a job opportunity. As remote work grows, project management tools become essential for ensuring that remote teams can collaborate and work together effectively. Why are project managemnt tools necessary …

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Max 5 min read

Image represents how to prioritize tasks at work

Best Practices

Scary to-do list? Here’s how to prioritize tasks at work.

Let’s talk about the entrepreneur’s greatest rival. Whether scratched into a notebook or ticked off with a task management tool, almost all of us face the same problem: the to-do list that never ends. That’s because there are always new ideas for an entrepreneur or business owner! Processes that could be improved. Automations that would …

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Max 12 min read

no meeting day

Project Management

Prioritizing Deep Work: The Benefits of No-Meeting Days for Your Team

Introduction: Attending endless meetings can often top the list of all the challenges that come with modern-day work-life. From back-to-back video calls to long hours spent sitting in conference rooms, it can feel like a never-ending cycle of non-productive time that can disrupt your day and leave you feeling exhausted. This is where the idea …

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Max 10 min read

project management checklist

Project Management

Kick off Your Project with This Project Management Checklist

Ready to take your project management game to the next level? Your ultimate guide is here – a project management checklist to serve as a GPS. It’ll ensure you never miss a beat on your journey to project completion. In the fast-paced world of today, it’s easy to make mistakes or miss critical details. But …

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Max 9 min read

okr examples

Project Management

How to Use OKRs to Fast Track Success (With Examples!)

Have you ever watched a business scale and achieve huge success, seemingly overnight? It’s hard to not to marvel and wonder, “How did they DO that?! Because oftentimes, within our own organizations, it’s a different story entirely. Maybe it’s patterns of long meetings where everyone makes themselves part of the problem, not the solution, a …

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Max 14 min read

Project manager looking at her checklist.

Project Management

Unlocking the Secret Weapon: How a Project Manager Checklist Can Skyrocket Your Success

Have you ever started a project and felt completely overwhelmed by the never-ending list of responsibilities? As a project manager, this feeling can be amplified tenfold. With so many moving parts and deadlines to meet, it’s no wonder that managing a project can be challenging. But fear not because there’s a secret weapon that can …

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Max 17 min read

project vs task

Project Management

Project vs Task Management: Key Differences and Strategies for Success

Are you feeling overwhelmed with managing your team’s workload? Do you find it difficult to distinguish between project management and task management? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between project vs task management. This will help you gain a better understanding of how to effectively manage your team’s …

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Max 10 min read

parametric estimating in project management

Project Management

Take the Guesswork Out of Project Planning with Parametric Estimating

Are you looking for a reliable and accurate way to estimate the cost, schedule, or other project variables before they begin? Parametric estimating can be extremely useful. It uses statistical data and analysis to accurately predict what will happen and help find opportunities and risks. It’s like having a project management crystal ball. And best …

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Max 7 min read

Image represents Risk Response Strategies

Project Management

Risk Response Strategies: Your Project Manager’s Guide to Navigating Uncertainty

No project is without risk, but some projects are riskier than others. As a project manager, you need to be able to find risks, evaluate them, and come up with plans for how to deal with them. This can be a daunting task, but never fear. This guide will help you navigate the world of …

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Max 8 min read

Image represents Cost Variance in Project Management

Project Management

Reducing Risk and Maximizing Success: How to Tackle Cost Variance in Project Management

As a project manager, you know that keeping your projects on track and on budget is crucial to their success. One of the key tools at your disposal for doing so is cost variance analysis. But what exactly is cost variance, and how can you use it to your advantage? In this blog post, we’ll …

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Max 8 min read

Image represents a Design Project Management

Project Management

From Chaos to Control: Managing your Design Project

Are you a project manager struggling to keep your design projects on track? Do you feel overwhelmed and need help managing all the different elements of your projects? If so, you’re not alone. Design project management can be challenging, especially if you’re new to the role. But don’t worry – we’re here to help. This …

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Max 8 min read

Image represents Critical Path in Project Management

Project Management

Time Saving Secrets That Will Make You Cheer: How to Use the Critical Path Analysis in Project Management

When you’ve got a project that’s brimming with hangups, where team members quit, materials arrive late and bottlenecks delay production, it’s really easy to throw money at it with the hope to speed things up. This may provide some momentary relief as the clock ticks and the deadline looms nearer. As so many have learned …

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Max 19 min read

Image represents Incident Management Process Workflow

Project Management

Incident Management 101: The Lowdown on Navigating Project Bumps

Imagine you’re working on a large software development project, and one of the developers reports a critical bug in the code. This incident must be dealt with immediately, as it could significantly affect the project timeline and budget. So, what do you do? This is where the incident management process comes in. In project management, …

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Max 8 min read

Image indicates Statement of Work in Project Management

Project Management

A Recipe for Success: Crafting a Winning Statement of Work

Have you ever tried to cook an elaborate meal without a recipe? It can be overwhelming and lead to disastrous results. The same is true for project management – a project will likely falter without a clear plan and expectations. That’s where a statement of work (SOW) comes in. Like a recipe guides a chef, …

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Max 8 min read

Image indicates Project Priority Matrix

Project Management

How to Work Smart (Not Hard) With a Priority Matrix

Do you ever spend an entire morning doing something completely pointless, like cleaning up dog food spilled across the kitchen floor? And then, when you leave for work, nothing is accomplished. You haven’t worked out, checked emails, or even had breakfast. If this is one isolated episode, that’s one thing. But sometimes entire days proceed …

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Max 8 min read

Image indicates Project Schedule Management

Project Management

Bye-Bye Stress: How to Stay on Top of Your Project Schedule

You may have heard the saying, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” This statement couldn’t be more true when managing a project. A well-defined and carefully executed project schedule is key to the success of any project. But what exactly is project schedule management, and why is it so important? In this blog post, …

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Max 7 min read

Illustration image of Cost Benefit Analysis in Project Management

Project Management

A Guide to Effectively Executing Cost Benefit Analysis: Why Project Managers Should Take Notice

Whether you’re an experienced project manager or a newbie just getting your feet wet in the wide world of project management, cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is something you will inevitably have to tackle. And if you plan on tackling it well, then this comprehensive guide is for you. Cost-benefit analysis is one of the most important …

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Max 8 min read

Illustration image of Business Requirements Document

Project Management

A Business Requirement Document: The Secret Ingredient to Every Successful Project

A project may look straightforward enough at the very beginning. Until you start asking questions. Maybe initially the client asks you to build a widget, and says that it needs to be green. Ok, you think, clear enough. But then in the second and third rounds of discussions, you begin to see the bigger picture. …

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Max 9 min read

Illustration image of Cost Breakdown Structure

Project Management

​​Cost Breakdown Structure: The Backbone to Budgeting in Project Management

Sometimes in a project, the budget drips out like a leaky faucet, in steady, predictable amounts. At other times, the pace of the budget is more like a roller coaster. There are long stretches where almost nothing is spent, followed by short, fast intervals that consume huge portions of the budget in one go. Understanding …

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Max 6 min read

Resource Scheduling Methods in Project Management

Project Management

Resource Scheduling Methods, Guidelines & Strategies that Every Project Manager Needs to Know!

Have you ever had a client whose head is in the clouds? Maybe she wants a new porch, a hot tub and a brand new kitchen, all in under a few weeks. Or has a client ever come to you in the middle of a complex project, asking you to speed things up and complete …

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Max 8 min read

Process Automation in Project Management

Project Management

Ready to Take Control of Your Projects? Learn How Process Automation Can Help!

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer amount of tasks and projects that need to be done? The deadlines looming, the hours I’ve worked and it still doesn’t seem like there is enough time in the day? If this sounds familiar, then it’s time for you to take a step back, take a deep …

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Max 8 min read

Resource Smoothing

Project Management

Project Best Practices: How to Use Smoothing in Resource Management

Project planning is a long process. Even after huge milestones are met, things are usually still in a tangle. Getting everything firmly into place requires several more yanks with a fine tooth comb. Gathering all the requirements and then defining the project’s scope is a significant threshold, for sure. Yet, during the process of allocating …

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Max 7 min read

End to End Project Management

Project Management

Hopping From Lily-pad to Lily-pad: Managing a Project End-to-End

Have you ever set your mind to complete a DIY home remodel, and the very next day you started ripping out tiles and pulling up carpeting? When you’re really excited about an undertaking, the inclination to dive right in is almost irresistible. Yet, when a project executes before outlining the budget, the requirements and the …

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Max 8 min read

Gold Plating vs Scope Creep

Project Management

How to Avoid Scope Creep and Gold Plating in Project Management

Most of us learn about scope creep and gold plating the hard way. Maybe it’s a home remodel, and the project manager agrees to “just” add another sconce in the bathroom, which leads to a costly electrical repair and fifteen hours of work. Or an enthusiastic developer builds a close relationship with the client, and …

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Max 7 min read

Resource Leveling vs Resource Smoothing

Project Management

Everything You Need to Know About Resource Leveling and Resource Smoothing

What if you were hired for a job, and it turned out the workload varied wildly from week to week. One week, you might have to put in 70 hours of hard, manual labor. Then next week, you’d mostly stand around and do nothing. In the following week, you’d be back to working 70 hours …

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Max 5 min read

SMART Goals for Project Managers

Project Management

How to Create Opportunities and Drive Results: 8 Examples of SMART Goals for Project Managers

Have you ever sat through a company goal-setting session and come out feeling less motivated that you did going in? Maybe you came up with a list of personal goals that looked something like this: Network more. Be a better communicator. Stop going over budget all the time. When you shared the goals, everyone approved. …

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Max 8 min read

Monte Carlo Analysis in Project Management

Project Management

Sick and Tired of Missing Deadlines? How to Use the Monte Carlo Analysis in Project Management

Have you ever promised someone you’ll meet them for dinner at 7:00, and a little voice inside your head knows it’ll be a close call? Suppose it’s a Saturday, and you have a pile of errands to run: change the oil, get gas, buy groceries, drop your coat at the dry cleaner, turn in library …

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Max 7 min read

Six Sigma Project Management

Project Management

Six Sigma Simplified: Ditch the Waste and Streamline Your Projects

Efficiency is the name of the game in project management. After all, if a project is taking too long, it’s likely going to cost more money than necessary. Six Sigma is a methodology that can help you streamline your projects and get them done faster – without sacrificing quality. The name “Six Sigma” is a …

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Max 7 min read

Project Management Trends

Project Management

Looking to stay ahead of the curve? Check out these 9 project management trends…

Disruption is the name of the game today. Technology has made it easier than ever before for businesses to enter new markets and create new products and services. This increased competition is good news for consumers, but it can be tough on businesses that are trying to keep up. To stay ahead of the curve, …

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Max 7 min read

Crashing vs Fast Tracking

Project Management

Wanna Really Make Things Cruise? How to Use Crashing and Fast Tracking in Project Management

Have you ever hit snooze so many times in the morning that you had to skip the normal routine of taking the bus to work, and order a Lyft instead? Maybe to save additional time, you ditched the breakfast plan to have hot oatmeal, and rather ate a breakfast bar on the way to work. …

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Max 7 min read

Marketing Information Management

Project Management

Is Your Marketing Information Management a Hot Mess? Here’s How to Clean It Up.

Most businesses these days are data-driven. But what happens when the data you need is scattered all over the place? That’s where marketing information management (MIM) comes in. MIM helps you gather and organize all of your marketing data, so you can make informed decisions about your business. But implementing MIM can be tricky. There …

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Max 9 min read

Project Procurement Management

Project Management

All You Need to Know About Procurement: Strategies, Issues & Documents

Have you and your spouse ever purchased groceries without communicating with one another, and each of you ended up buying a gallon of milk? Supposing you have a large kitchen with two refrigerators, you may not even realize this double purchase. The result is a whole lot of wasted milk. This example represents the sort …

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Max 7 min read

Change Management in Project Management

Project Management

Wheedling the Mules & Winning Buy-in: Change Management in Project Planning

Have you ever gone to your favorite diner, expecting your usual bacon, eggs, toast and coffee, and the same friendly banter with your favorite waiter, only to discover that they’d changed the menu and she’d up and quit? This kind of upset is enough to throw off your entire day. We’re creatures of habit, and …

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Max 6 min read

Bottom Up Estimating in Project Management

Project Management

Getting Started with Bottom Up Estimating – Your Essential Guide

If you’re a project manager, then you know that estimating the cost is essential to the success of any project. After all, how can you plan and budget for a project if you don’t have a good sense of how much it’s going to cost? There are a number of different methods that project managers …

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Max 7 min read

Rolling Wave Planning in Project Management

Project Management

Learning to Roll with It: Wave Planning in Project Management

Do you ever decide to take a trip, and suddenly find yourself thinking through every detail, right down to where you’re going to eat meals and what toiletries to pack in your suitcase? It’s easy to get ahead of ourselves sometimes. As the Birds sang in their #1 Hit back in 1965, “to everything there …

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Max 7 min read

Risks vs Issues in Project Management

Project Management

Issues vs Risks in Project Management: A Breakdown and Analysis

Every project manager knows that “things” are going to happen, regardless. A project consists of many moving parts. It’s about building something new, or establishing a new process, and operates within the constraints of time, money, and resources. Plus, it requires coordinating a checkerboard of activities. And so snafus, unforeseen occurrences, problems, issues, and even …

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Max 5 min read

Cost estimation and budgeting in project management


How to Accurately Estimate Costs & Budget for Your Project’s Success

If you’re a project manager, then you know that one of your most important duties is to estimate the costs and budgets for your projects. Without accurate estimates, it’s nearly impossible to ensure that your project stays on track and within budget. Yet, many project managers still struggle with this important task. In this blog …

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Max 7 min read

Gold Plating in Project Management

Project Management

The Pitfalls of Trying to Hard: Gold Plating in Project Management

Have you ever had clients who fret and fuss over every detail? Just so you can sleep at night, you probably find yourself tending to their every need. Or have you ever dealt with the fallout of a disappointed client? None of this is ever any fun. In order to avoid these scenarios, every seasoned …

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Max 7 min read

Sprints in Project Management

Project Management

Quick and Easy Definitions of Agile, Scrum & Sprints

Have you ever worked on a project that was way behind schedule, way over budget, and ultimately resulted in a mediocre product? If so, you’re definitely not the only one. Many frustrated managers have scrutinized fizzled projects, and conclude they’re often a symptom of a broken methodology. And they’ve worked to develop new and improved …

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Max 7 min read

Project Management Maturity Model

Project Management

Reaching Higher Levels of Maturity: An Essential Look at The Project Management Maturity Model

In nature, organisms grow. This growth is characterized by an increase in size or mass, or both. Essentially it’s the ability of an organism to adapt to and thrive in its environment. This could be through developing new capabilities or becoming more complex. You could say that maturity is the pinnacle of growth. Maturity is …

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Max 11 min read

Project Integration Management

Project Management

Project Integration Management: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

If you’re reading this you’re probably familiar with the basics of project management. But just in case you’re new to the term, project integration management is the process of bringing all the elements of a project together into one cohesive whole. It’s the job of the project manager to make sure that all the different …

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Max 7 min read

Decision Making Books


The Top 5 Books For Decision Making: Decision Making Tools For Project Managers

Making decisions is one of the most important skills a project manager can possess. Being able to make decisions quickly and efficiently is essential. If you can’t do that, your projects are likely to fail. There are a lot of books out there that claim to be able to help you improve your decision-making skills. …

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Max 9 min read

Outcome-Based Project Management

Project Management

Who Else Wants Results? The Rich Reward of Outcome-Based Project Management

It’s so exciting to win a big project. You’re as pleased as punch that the client has picked you to be the project manager, and the team is full of positive anticipated outcomes. However, as you look around the office, you may see outdated systems, software that’s full of glitches or a culture that values …

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Max 5 min read

Asset management problems

Project Management

Don’t Let Asset Management Problems Derail Your Project

Imagine this: You’re a project manager tasked with overseeing a new project. The project is already behind schedule and over budget, and the last thing you need is a delay caused by poor asset management. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what you’re facing. Inaccurate tracking of replacement parts has resulted in a shortage of crucial supplies, and …

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Max 7 min read

Project Roadmap

Project Management

A Step-By-Step Guide To Creating Your Next Project Roadmap.

Project roadmaps are a useful weapon in the arsenal of good project managers. While getting into the nitty-gritty and fine-tuning your plan down to the minute tasks is critical, the importance of how you present your overall picture of the project should not be understated. In fact, if you want to be able to really …

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Max 6 min read

Situational project management

Project Management

Navigate Any Project Management Situation By Adapting Situational Awareness

Situational Awareness for project managers Have you ever managed a project that just couldn’t get off the ground? You followed all the project management steps, but somehow things still went wrong. In many cases, the problem isn’t that you didn’t manage the project correctly – it’s that the situation called for a different approach. If …

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Max 9 min read

Project Blockers

Project Management

How to Remove Project Blockers and Achieve Your Goals: Problem-Solving Strategies for Businesses

Do you feel like you’re constantly running into roadblocks on your projects? Are you struggling to find a way to get around them and achieve your goals? You are not alone. Many businesses face project blockers that prevent them from reaching their objectives. In this article, we will discuss the most common project blockers and …

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Max 8 min read

Dependencies in project management

Project Management

The Project Management Guide to Dependencies. Everything you need to know about dependencies in project management.

Dependencies are a concept that you will undoubtedly have come across in your experience as a project manager. They are an essential component of project management, but they can be one of the most perplexing topics for newcomers to understand. This guide will explain everything you need to know about dependencies in project management, including …

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Max 6 min read

Project Management Styles

Project Management

The 5 Most Frequently Used Project Management Methods and Styles (How to Choose the Right Strategies for Your Company)

Projects are the driving force of any business. They’re how you get things done, whether it’s creating a new product, launching a marketing campaign, or restructuring your company. And there are several different ways you can approach a project. There are a ton of options when it comes to project management methods and styles. And …

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Max 7 min read

Positive risks in project management

Project Management

How To Use Positive Risks To Leverage Success in Project Management

If you’re a project manager, chances are that you’ve dealt with plenty of risks in the past. After all, part of your job is to identify potential threats to the project and develop plans to mitigate them. But what about positive risks? While they may seem like an oxymoron, positive risks are a real and …

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Max 6 min read

Improve Reporting For Project Management


The Top 8 Ways To Improve Your Reporting For Project Management

Let’s face it: no one likes to do reports. They’re tedious, time-consuming, and often feel like a huge waste of effort. However, without reliable data, it’s impossible to make informed decisions about a project. Good reporting helps improve the decision-making process by providing accurate information about what’s happening on the ground. Good reporting helps improve …

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Max 7 min read

Project Management Leadership Styles


Adopt the Perfect Leadership Style for Your Project’s Success

As a project manager, you’re in charge of creating success for your projects. The key to that success is in your ability to lead your team effectively, using a variety of different leadership styles to best fit the needs of your projects. In this article, we will discuss the different leadership styles of project managers …

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Max 8 min read

Reasons for project failure

Project Management

What causes project failure? 12 common issues in project management and their solutions.

No one likes to admit failure, but it’s an essential part of any project. Without fail, there will be bumps in the road and challenges to overcome. The key is to learn from these failures and use them as a springboard for success. By understanding the root cause of failures, project managers can avoid making …

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Max 9 min read

Interpersonal Skills for Project Managers


10 Essential Interpersonal Skills You Need For Project Management Success

@teamly For additional information on this topic, feel free to check out this Youtube video from our channel. Now, onto the main content… As a project manager, you know that success depends on more than just your technical abilities; the key to success is effective teamwork. And if you want to create an effective team, …

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Max 9 min read

Emotional Intelligence

Best Practices

Emotional Intelligence in Project Management: Why it matters.

You know that there are a million things that can go wrong during a project, and mismanaged emotions are frequently at the core of many of them. Emotional upheaval can quickly undo even the most carefully laid plans when employees or customers are unable to meet deadlines or are dissatisfied with the ultimate product. To …

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Max 6 min read

Lead Time and Cycle Time

Project Management

Why You Need to Consider Lead Time And Cycle Time For Your Project Management Strategy. Plus, 10 Tips to Reduce Your Project’s Lead And Cycle Times.

“Time is money,” right? When it comes to business, this adage couldn’t be more true. And that’s why if you are a business owner or a project manager, understanding the core concepts of time measurement is essential. In project management, two terms you’ll hear constantly are “cycle time” and “lead time.” What do they mean …

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Max 5 min read

Project Schedule Risk Analysis

Project Management

Don’t let your projects fall apart- Create a schedule risk assessment for peace of mind.

Have you ever been late on a project deadline? If so, you know that the consequences can be costly. Not only does your reputation take a hit, but you may also face financial penalties from your clients or employers. This only gets worse if you juggle multiple projects at the same time. Suddenly, something as …

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Max 5 min read

Team Management Skills

Project Management

10 Team Management Skills Every Leader Needs

Leading a team isn’t a walk in the park. You have to deal with different personalities, foster a cohesive team environment, and of course, make sure all the work gets done —without micromanaging. Fortunately, there are some key team management skills that can help you master these challenges. In this article, we’ll discuss what those …

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Max 9 min read

Requirements Management Planning

Project Management

Requirements Management: The Key to Project Success

As a manager, you undoubtedly understand that each of your company’s projects is influenced by the needs of your business and your stakeholders. Here’s an important tip, you should take these demands seriously and turn them into project guardrails. This process of identifying and managing your project’s needs is referred to as requirements management. In …

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Max 6 min read

Cross Functional Team

Project Management

Discovery Phase in Project Management: What it is, why it’s important, and how to navigate it.

As a project manager, you may be tempted to rush through the discovery phase or entirely skip it. After all, it can feel like a lot of extra work with no immediate payoff. But this would be a mistake. The discovery phase is one of the most important parts of project management, and it’s essential …

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Max 7 min read

Project Management

Your Guide to Building a Stellar Cross-Functional Team

Look around. Command-and-control leadership culture is breaking down․ Communication barriers are crumbling. Companies are combating the silo mentality. Different minds playing different roles are being brought together. In present-day project management, there is hardly any going back. Today, when project managers are increasingly searching for productive team collaboration methods, it’s no surprise that cross-functional teams …

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Max 9 min read

What Is Portfolio Management In Project Management

Project Management

The Benefits of Project Portfolio Management For Your Business

Project portfolio management is a term that is often heard in the world of project management, but what does it actually mean? In short, portfolio management is the centralized management of all the projects your business is involved in. It allows for consideration of the bigger picture and optimizes and priorities based on return on …

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Max 11 min read

What Is Scope Creep In Project Management

Project Management

7 Ways to Avoid Scope Creep In Project Management

In an ideal world, project managers put together a realistic timeline of project milestones that the whole team can complete with no changes to the deliverables during (or after) completion. However, as much as we prepare for any anticipated challenges along the way, project lifecycles never really go as planned, and the project manager is …

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Max 15 min read

Project Management Blogs

Project Management

The 30 Best Project Management Blogs on the Internet

If you’re looking for project management tips, tricks, and how-to guides, you’ve come to the right place. The internet is packed with project management blogs that can teach you everything from the basics of project management to more advanced theories and methodologies. Finding a suitable mentor takes time as people have very different styles of …

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Max 15 min read

Customer Retention Strategies

Project Management

The Ultimate Project Initiation Checklist (and 11 ways to create a compelling project charter)

Have you ever wondered how some people consistently get new projects—and nail them every time? One of the most influential aspects of a project being approved is how well a project manager is able to create and follow a project initiation checklist. This checklist is often something they’ve developed over their time of pitching projects …

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Max 16 min read

Customer Retention Strategies

Project Management

Are You Leaving Money on the Table? 25 Powerful Strategies to Wow Your Clients and Keep Them Coming Back for More

Isn’t is a thrill when you land a big project with a new client? You run to the refrigerator, pop a bottle of champagne, and spend the rest of the evening soaking in the bliss of sheer success. But before long, the project is complete. All the final deliverables are sent. You and the client …

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Max 21 min read


Project Management

Why Project Management in HR Matters (with examples!)

Project management in HR is important for the organization’s success, whether or not the HR team is composed of two members or 18. The Human Resources Department performs a myriad of essential functions for any organization. From recruitment, onboarding, employee performance and engagement, offboarding (and so much more!), the HR team has much to balance. …

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Max 7 min read

Project Document Management

Project Management

Maximize Business Productivity With A Project Document Management System

Project documentation is a vital part of any business. It ensures that all employees are on the same page, projects are completed efficiently and effectively, and processes are standardized. Without a good system in place, employees will waste time trying to track down information, projects will be messier than they need to be, and company …

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Max 7 min read

Project Contingency Plan

Project Management

4 Steps to Creating the Perfect Contingency Plan for your Projects.

Stop running project chaos and start planning for the unexpected… Contingency plans are intended to handle situations in which things fail to go according to plan. They let you keep pursuing your project’s objectives with confidence even when everything appears to be going horribly wrong. A contingency plan in project management is an important part …

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Max 7 min read

Project Management

How to Define Deliverables in Project Management (With Examples)

Have you ever written someone a letter and then it sat on your desk for a week because you didn’t get around to finding a stamp and putting it in the mailbox? It’s so easy to mentally check something off as “done” before it’s “done done.” Yet the intended purpose of something like a letter …

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Max 7 min read

What is Laddering in Project Management

Project Management

Time Saving Secrets: How to Use the Laddering Technique in Project Management (With Examples)

Have you ever had one of those days where you had around ten hours of work to do, and only four hours in which to do it? Even if you wear yourself out by going into speed-mo, there’s seemingly no way to get it all done. At times like these, it’s easy to just throw …

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Max 4 min read

Organizational Alignment Tools

Project Management

Easy and Simple Organizational Alignment Tools That Work

Organizational alignment is essential for sustainable growth in the right direction. As the workforce changes to include more remote positions, the organizational alignment tools companies currently use will need to be updated. We will define organizational alignment, outline the benefits, give the most popular organizational alignment model, how to adapt to an increasingly remote workplace, …

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Max 8 min read

What Is Resource Planning And Why Is It Important

Project Management

How To Create a Solid Resource Plan: What is resource planning? Why is it important? And steps you can take to become a better resource planner.

Whether you’re looking for ways to streamline your business or just getting started, a resource plan is a must. Mapping out what you need to get the job done will make your company run more efficiently today and in the future. Are you considering putting together a resource plan, but are not sure how to …

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Max 7 min read

Project Closure Checklist

Project Management

A Comprehensive Project Closure Checklist – Your Guide To Success in Project Management

When it comes to project management, a project closure checklist is important to give guidance and protect the quality and caliber of your present and future projects. Some may believe that simply finishing the project is the final step of the process and the most important aspect of a project is the work put into …

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Max 10 min read

Project Management

How Resource Leveling in Project Management Can Support Productivity and Keep Your Team Motivated

One of the many challenges of project management is to keep the workload evenly distributed among the team, all while adhering to designated milestones and deadlines. However, there is a method to ensure that you’re meeting these goals: resource leveling. Resource leveling ensures that no one on the team is feeling overwhelmed, that all the …

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Max 14 min read

Multi Project Scheduling

Project Management

Multi-project Scheduling: How To Juggle Multiple Projects At Once…

The manager’s task is a juggling act, and the more projects you have on your plate, the more challenging it becomes. If you’re not diligent enough to set priorities, things will start falling out from under you. And, as a manager, you’re probably aware that when deadlines overlap or slip, it’s a ticket to disaster, …

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Max 7 min read

SWOT Analysis in Project Management

Project Management

How to Perform a SWOT Analysis in Project Management

Developed back in the 1960s, it soon became a widely used technique among project managers. What made it so popular was the combination of two important characteristics – it was simple yet powerful. More importantly, you didn’t have to be an expert to use it! The technique, known as SWOT analysis, was designed by Albert …

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Max 6 min read

SEO Project Management

Project Management

Seven Quick Steps to Effective SEO Project Management

The competition for winning Google’s heart is fierce. More and more companies are investing in search engine optimization (SEO). And there is a good reason why. In fact, research shows that in 93 percent of cases, people start their online experiences with a search engine. Obviously, if companies manage to please Google, they boost their …

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Max 10 min read

Marketing Project Management

Project Management

Your Ultimate Marketing Project Management Guide – 10 Tips For Success

Updating and perfecting your marketing project management strategies and standards has become an essential aspect of any business. We live in a world that’s become dominated by the internet, drastically changing the marketing landscape. With the rise of social media marketing, and brick and mortar stores remaining steadfast, marketing projects look increasingly different and must …

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Max 12 min read

Stretch Goals

Project Management

Setting and Achieving Stretch Goals: How to Propel Your Business Further

Most people think of goals as something that is easily attainable- a stepping stone to what they want to achieve. But what if you set the bar higher? What if you set goals that were a bit out of reach, but still possible? This is what stretch goals are all about. They propel businesses further …

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Max 10 min read

Cost Reduction Techniques in Project Management

Project Management

7 Ways to Reduce Cost in Project Management

You’ve put every possible effort into preparing a thorough estimate for your project. You’ve cut corners and accounted for unexpected costs. But now, when the project is halfway through completion, you’ve been ordered to trim the cost further. You’re stuck. How do you do it? Most importantly, how do you cut the budget without compromising …

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Max 6 min read

Short Term vs Long Term Goals

Project Management

How to See the Forest and the Trees: Setting Short Term and Long Term Goals

Do you set New Year’s resolutions? Life feels like a clean slate on January 1st, and it’s so exhilarating to pursue something you’ve always wanted. Maybe it’s to lose weight, develop a new skill or finally get out of a dead end job. But then, it’s so often the case that once the Superbowl party …

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Max 11 min read

How to build and manage a winning project team

Project Management

How To Build And Manage A Winning Project Team In 5 Steps

Building a successful project team isn’t something that just happens; it sits on a foundation of high-quality management skills and includes some essential rules for each project it takes on. It’s intentional choices and procedures that create consistent, long-term success for your project team. Designing a high-caliber project team – and leading it to success …

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Max 7 min read

Artificial Intelligence in Project Management

Project Management

4 Major Uses of AI in Project Management

Project managers are under persistent pressure to juggle multiple tasks and deal with competing priorities. Today, when they’re in constant search of help, the role of artificial intelligence in project management can’t go unnoticed. Just think about it. You delegate some parts of the work to your intelligent assistant that can analyze massive amounts of …

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Max 6 min read

Workload Management

Project Management

Managing Workload on a Team: A Guide to an Effective Team Workload Management

@teamly For additional information on this topic, feel free to check out this Youtube video from our channel. Now, onto the main content… Managing your team’s workload is vital for its success. The more effectively a manager can handle the workload, the better the team’s results. You can think of workload management as being an …

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Max 8 min read

Shifting priorities in the workplace

Project Management

From the Gig Economy to the Hybrid Model: Shifting Priorities in the Workplace

For many of us, the commute to work used to take at least an hour, and we’d either be navigating traffic or train schedules to and fro. Nowadays, for many, the morning commute takes less than ten seconds, as it means walking from the bedroom into the home office. And back in the day, people …

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Max 4 min read

Project Progress & Performance Measurement Methods

Project Management

7 Project Performance Measurement Methods for Your Business

Providing updates on progress is something every manager will need to do. It could be to appease the stakeholders or to make sure everything is staying on track. Whether you need to compile a report or present findings in a meeting, knowing the best measuring project performance techniques is a must-know for every project manager. …

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Max 9 min read

The Impact of Poor Project Planning

Project Management

The 6 Most Damaging Results of a Poor Project Plan and How to Avoid Them

Project planning is the process of setting project goals and developing a plan for how to achieve them. It’s an ongoing activity that helps teams stay on track and reach their goals throughout the project’s life cycle, but it also necessitates organization skills, excellent time management, and good leadership qualities. All projects must be managed …

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Max 7 min read

Project Management Audits

Project Management

Your Comprehensive Guide To Project Management Audits

Project management audits are a way for companies to better themselves and create stronger procedures for future projects. Not only does this benefit the company, but often the employees as well by creating more efficient systems. There are few unavoidable aspects of running a business, and a project management audit is one of them. While …

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Max 10 min read

Strategic Management in Project Management

Project Management

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Projects for Strategic Advantage

There are two types of companies: those who give strategic planning only lip service and those who don’t. It’s the second type that wins because they have a strategic approach to project management. They know that strategy is about winning and igniting transformation in the entire marketplace. Cambridge Online Dictionary says that strategic advantage is …

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Max 6 min read

Project Management

Managing Project Schedules: Foundational principles for getting started

In today’s fast-paced business world, project managers are required to juggle an ever-growing number of tasks and responsibilities. With limited time and resources available, schedules must be managed effectively to ensure projects are delivered on time and within budget. While there is no one “right” way to manage a project schedule, there are several foundational …

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Max 6 min read


Project Management

MBO vs KPI vs OKR: What Are They…And Which One Is The Best Fit For Your Company?

MBOs, KPIs, and OKRs are key components in how a company achieves its goals and they each represent a different way to achieve those company goals. MBO stands for Management By Objectives; KPIs stand for Key Performance Indicators; OKRs stand for Objectives and Key Results. While MBOs and OKRs play a vital role in how …

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Max 7 min read

Hybrid Project Management

Project Management

Crossing a Gantt Chart With a Kanban Board: Agile-Waterfall Hybrid in Project Management

When you’re mapping out a project, do you ever find yourself getting caught in a web of “shoulds” and “musts”? “We should let the team work independently, but we must let key stakeholders oversee and gauge progress.” “We must stay within budget, but we should allow for the flexibility to adjust and tweak the deliverable.” …

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Max 8 min read

Challenges Faced by Managers in Motivating Employees

Project Management

The Top 17 Challenges that Managers Face When Attempting to Motivate Employees

In order to be successful in business, it’s important for managers to be able to motivate their employees. However, this is easier said than done, as managers face a variety of challenges when trying to motivate their teams. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the top 17 problems managers face when attempting …

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Max 12 min read

How to keep track of delegated tasks

Project Management

How to Keep Track of Delegated Tasks and Manage Them the Easy Way

Delegation is important for businesses to get right. It will play an important role in the business’s day-to-day operation and is key to growth. In fact, good delegation can lead to an uptick in revenue, and who doesn’t want that. Not all delegation is created equal. Some leaders find it hard to let go of …

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Max 8 min read

Small Project Management

Project Management

The Right Way to Set up a Management Plan for Small Projects. How to Manage Small Projects in 5 Steps.

Engineers are smart people, designers are creative people, marketers are persuasive people. But no matter what the skill set is, when it comes to working in the context of a team, your company needs organization. Especially if you want to be successful. Enter: The project manager. Project management is a necessary evil. It’s vital to …

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Max 11 min read

Free Float in Project Management

Project Management

What Is Free Float in Project Management? Everything You Need to Know

Float is a useful metric for project managers to effectively look after projects and juggle tasks without causing delays to the overall project. Unfortunately, delays are a part of life and even the most considered plans can experience unexpected issues. A good project manager will be able to manage any delays and keep projects progressing …

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Max 4 min read

Creative strategy development and implementation

Project Management

Top 5 Elements Of Creative Strategy Development And Implementation Steps

When you begin a new project, one of the first things you do is form an initial outline – one of the essential elements of creative strategy development. This outline is one of the most important aspects of any new project and can be the deciding factor of its success. But one thing is often …

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Max 6 min read

Quality assurance tracking

Project Management

Why Quality Assurance Tracking In the Workplace Is Essential For Success And Growth

To consistently deliver on the promise of high-quality work, an organization must ensure they have the appropriate quality assurance tracking system in place. Without this delicate checks-and-balances process, more errors slip through the cracks, workflows can potentially break down, and the quality of work is not usually up to company standards. Having a quality assurance …

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Max 6 min read

Ensure successful project implementation

Project Management

How To Ensure Successful Project Implementation In The Workplace

Project implementations rarely go as planned, but the process can be built to maintain positive and focused momentum even in the face of various obstacles when there is a solid system in place. Something always seems to come up in the process (whether internally within the team or with external clients) that requires the relevant …

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Max 9 min read

Project milestones examples

Project Management

A Milestone Master Plan with 9 Common Examples for Organizing Your Next Project

To be successful at project management it’s imperative to figure out ways to effectively monitor progress and mitigate risks. That’s why it’s a good idea to identify the major milestones of your project and put together a plan for reaching them. Milestones can help you keep track of your progress, detect potential problems, and ensure …

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Max 9 min read

How to monitor risks in a project

Project Management

How To Assess Risk As A Project Manager: Identifying and Evaluating Project Risks

@teamly For additional information on this topic, feel free to check out this Youtube video from our channel. Now, onto the main content… As a project manager, it’s essential to be able to identify and evaluate the risks associated with your projects. By doing so, you can reduce the likelihood of these risks becoming actual …

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Max 8 min read

Project management challenges

Project Management

10 Powerful Hacks for Handling Project Management Challenges

Do you find project management to be a master juggling act? Whether you’re working through team issues, assuaging a client, resisting scope creep or encountering the unexpected, there’s always something coming at you. With so many balls in the air, you’ve probably more than once wished you had a third arm! The good news is, …

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Max 11 min read

Pillars of Project Management

Project Management

The 5 Pillars of Project Management – and How You Can Implement Them Today!

The pillars of project management success go beyond factors such as appropriate work-process systems, collective team knowledge, and strategic decision-making. These are not the only elements that contribute to effective project management. Project management can be a nuanced process, often requiring a customized and structured workflow to ensure successful, high-quality outcomes for an organization. Understandably, …

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Max 6 min read

Decision making in project management

Project Management

Decision-Making Techniques In Project Management—With Examples!

Productive project management can drive a company towards success, giving employees a clear, easy-to-follow path towards completing their work objectives in a highly efficient manner. If done strategically, project management can keep everyone on track, including upper management, and create much-needed transparency in business processes. To be able to create realistic goals in line with …

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Max 11 min read

Lack of resources in project management

Project Management

Lack of Resources at Work? Here’s What You Need to Do for Your Projects

A lack of resources in project management doesn’t need to spell disaster. In fact, a key part of a project manager’s role is finding a way to make things work without exceeding the budget with the resources they have available. Resources can be anything from material to equipment to staff power. Good project managers will …

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Max 8 min read

How has project management evolved over time

Project Management

How Has Project Management Evolved Over Time?

Most sources claim that project management was “invented” in the mid-20th century, when Gantt charts were popularized and concepts like cost prediction and project scheduling were created. But history is filled with endless examples of project management brilliance. What is true is that, until around 1950, project management-specific techniques and tools had never been used. …

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Max 8 min read

Project Management

Barriers to Watch Out for in Project Management

Managing projects is complicated—managing them well is even harder. Despite all the training, resources, tools, and methodologies available to PMs today, there is a wide array of challenges that they face on a regular basis. An HBR study suggests that nearly 20% of all projects end up costing over two times their estimated amount, and …

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Max 6 min read

Transparency in project management

Project Management

Why Transparency In Project Management Is Critical To Success

Creating a layer of transparency in project management can be tricky but it is essential to navigate. Having visibility and accessibility into the inner workings of a company’s processes, projects, and progression can cultivate an environment fueled by trust, which is vital to building a team that reliably operates like a well-oiled machine. However, there …

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Max 8 min read

Project Management Philosophy

Project Management

How to Develop a Project Management Philosophy for Your Team

The ability to collaborate with team members is essential for delivering great results. How can you do this and make sure everyone is on board? Develop your own project management philosophy, so that all team members meet their goals and deadlines with efficiency and ease. After all, a project management philosophy provides the backbone for …

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Max 6 min read

Consultative Decision Making Style

Project Management

The Pros and Cons of Consultative Decision Making Style

Making strategic business decisions can be a hard job for just one person. Sometimes it’s necessary to get the viewpoints of other people to ensure you’re making the right choices for your business. That’s the key principle behind consultative decision making. Ultimately, one person will retain the final say but before any decisions are reached, …

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Max 5 min read

How to Overcome challenges in Project Management

Project Management

How to Overcome Challenges in Project Management—The New Manager’s Guide

@teamly For additional information on this topic, feel free to check out this Youtube video from our channel. Now, onto the main content… Every project is unique. The people, the problems, the creative solutions, the setbacks—the experience of managing a project never repeats itself exactly. But even so, there are similarities between all projects. There …

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Max 9 min read

Employee onboarding and offboarding checklist

Employee Management

Making Ties that Bind: The Professional Guide to Onboarding and Offboarding

We’ve all known those people who manage to maintain strong bonds with pretty much every person they’ve met since kindergarten. Every time they turn around, they’re shaking hands with an old friend, and each year they send out a stack of Christmas cards that’s over two feet high. It isn’t hard to imagine that amassing …

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Max 16 min read

Project Deadline Management

Project Management

How to Manage Project Deadlines & Never Miss a Due Date Again

The corporate world will tell you that it’s a real hassle to manage project deadlines. Ah, the ever-persistent struggle of trying to meet a professional due date, we’ve all been there. And yet, with no deadline in sight, there would be no feeling of pressure, focus, or desire to put things into motion. It is …

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Max 7 min read

Process improvement opportunities

Project Management

There’s Always Room For Improvement – So Here’s How To Revamp Your Business Processes.

If your business is stagnant, doing the same thing day in and day out, it’s pretty unlikely that you’re going to see growth and success. Every business needs to evolve to remain competitive in the market. So the question isn’t ‘do we need to change things up?’, it’s actually ‘how should we evolve?’ Business process …

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Max 5 min read

Advantages of project scheduling

Project Management

Exploring the Advantages of Project Scheduling

Well-thought-out project scheduling allows businesses to establish when a team should begin and finish working on a deliverable, with resources and objectives in mind. Typically, a complete schedule will outline a variety of parameters like durations, dependencies, resource availability, and deadlines. As a result, this will allow the team and stakeholders to have a better …

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Max 4 min read

How to manage leads

Project Management

The Must-Have Guide On How To Manage Leads (and increase sales!)

Building up your customer base and figuring out how to manage leads can be challenging for many businesses. While some seem to do this easily and skyrocket to success, many don’t have that kind of origin story. There are many factors that determine how a company continues to grow its customer base, however, there is …

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Max 7 min read

Lack of collaboration in the workplace

Project Management

The Risks of Poor Collaboration in the Workplace

Collaboration is kind of an elusive concept. It’s often treated like something that employees have to figure out on their own or that it’s something that might benefit the company but isn’t really that important. However, it’s safe to say that fostering a collaborative environment is an effort worth making that will grant businesses a …

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Max 5 min read

Benefits of online collaboration tools

Project Management

7 Benefits of Using Online Collaboration Tools

Collaboration is easier and more effective than it’s ever been. Advances in technology means we can keep in contact and work together online instantaneously. Someone in America can work in tandem with their colleague in Germany in real time so projects can progress smoothly. If you want to take advantage of modern technologies so your …

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Max 4 min read

Workflow Management

Project Management

Top 10 Benefits Of Workflow Management And How To Develop Your Own!

The workplace has changed dramatically since the rise of the internet and the far-reaching connectivity it’s created. Competition in the business world is steep, and new strategies and systems are forming every day. Others, however, have been updated and automated making them more efficient and highly desirable. One of these new and improved systems is …

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Max 5 min read

Project management pitfalls

Project Management

Avoid These Top 10 Project Management Pitfalls

High-quality projects require proper planning and strong management support. Project managers and leaders should be well informed on the most common project management pitfalls to avoid so that they can support the development of exceptional outcomes. These topics aren’t often discussed at length due to their sensitive nature and the reflection they can have on …

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Max 10 min read

Zero float in project management

Project Management

A Run-Down On Zero Float In Project Management, Plus Tips On How To Manage It

We’ve all managed a project at one point or another. Whether it’s planning a party or leading a large project at work, it’s important to understand the tasks that lead to the desired outcomes. One of the first steps many Project Managers will do is create the project’s timeline in a series of tasks. When …

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Max 3 min read

Barriers To Collaborative Working

Project Management

8 Barriers To Collaborative Working (And How To Overcome Them!)

Barriers to effective collaboration will arise over the course of a project, and planning for them is essential in successfully overcoming them—while creating a stronger team at the same time! We’ve talked about how to effectively collaborate in the workplace before, but you also need to know how to plan for the barriers of collaborative …

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Max 7 min read

Organizing Business

Project Management

8 Powerful Tips to Help You With Organizing Your Business

Is your business set up for maximum productivity and free of anything that could cause you stress or anxiety? If you can honestly answer yes, then this article isn’t for you. However, if you’re answer is no, that’s okay. There are plenty of things you can do to help organize your business for success. Disorganization …

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Max 4 min read

Achieve Objectives

Project Management

Setting Goals? How to Avoid Pitfalls and Achieve Your Objectives

Goal setting is exhilarating. Reaching for that north star and claiming our dreams generates optimism and uplifts our spirits. But as for making prudent goals, and then achieving them—that’s a harder nut to crack. In order to really reach for the sky, goal planning and execution require deliberate strategy. Many goals suffer from the Goldilocks …

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Max 6 min read

KPI Stands For Key Performance Indicator

Project Management

KPI Stands For Key Performance Indicator – And This Is How It Measures Business Success!

The cornerstone of any business is to fulfill its mission and bring to fruition the vision they’ve set out to achieve. KPIs – which stands for Key Performance Indicators – help to evaluate progress and turn productivity into profitability. KPI is the latest office buzzword gaining increased momentum within different industries as an efficient and …

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Max 11 min read

Weekly Work Plan

Project Management

How To Create A Weekly Work Plan That Works For You

It can often seem like there just aren’t enough hours in a day. Schedules get overwhelmingly full and demands seem to grow in intensity, elevating stress levels. Without a weekly work plan, it’s easy for project deadlines or important meetings to slip through the cracks. This is a cycle that’s not uncommon, however, it is …

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Max 6 min read

Management Books

Project Management

20 Management Books Every Great Leader Should Read

Highly effective leaders read highly effective books, right? Even natural-born leaders need help and guidance to get maximum results from themselves and their team. Have you ever had a bad boss? Someone whose so out of synchronicity with the members of the team. Or a boss who can’t separate themselves from the situation in order …

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Max 11 min read

Project Management Guide

Project Management

The Ultimate Guide to Project Management in 2022

At times, project management can seem overwhelming. After all, how do you get started? Which methodology should you use? And most importantly, what can you do to make sure your projects go off without a hitch? There are just so many complex questions you need to answer. Fortunately, although this topic may seem intimidating, it’s …

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Max 17 min read


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