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6 Ways To Immediately Build & Improve Your Marketing Strategies: Make Sure The Work Your Team Is Doing Aligns With Strategies For Overall Effectiveness.
It’s easy to fall into a marketing rut. Especially if your company is doing well and you’re not seeing the desired results from your efforts. You might be tempted to blame the algorithm changes on social media, or the saturation of your industry. But more often than not, it’s simply that your marketing strategies need a tune-up.
So how do you make sure the work your marketing team is doing aligns with your overall business goals? There are no one-size-fits all answers, but this article will break down six essential areas worth considering to enhance and strengthen their strategies:
- Identify target audience
- Define your goals
- Set specific objectives
- Assign tasks
- Evaluate progress regularly
- Be flexible
Considering these six categories will not only help improve your marketing strategies but should advance your team’s overall effectiveness.
1. Identify Your Target Audience
The first thing you should do when optimizing your marketing strategies is to identify the “ideal customer” also known as “target audience”. This will be the driver for all of your marketing strategies and tactics. Your target audience is like gold in this business – everything you do should align with their wants and felt needs.
Make sure every initiative doesn’t just happen because someone thought it up on a whim but instead make sure your initiatives line up well with the demographics and needs of who you want to reach. If something is not directly related, then it shouldn’t be included as a task.
A proactive manager will always think about how their actions align with an audience before taking any steps forward.
So, how do you find your target audience? There are many ways to find your target audience, but the best way is by thinking about who they are and what makes them tick. Consider these questions:
- Who are you trying to reach?
- How old are they?
- Where do they live?
- Which demographics have been proven to be interested in this particular product/service?
- How does your product/solution fit into their lives?
- What pain points are they looking to solve?
- What sets you apart from your competitors?
- Which marketing channels would be the most effective in getting your product/service before their eyes?
One of the most important things you can do for your cause is to develop a profile that narrows down your audience. Your message will be more effective if it’s tailored specifically towards those people who are most likely going to respond positively, so keep this in mind when crafting what’s being said.
2. Define Your Goals
Before you create tasks for you or your team, you need to be clear about what you are trying to accomplish. Marketing is a way for companies to tell their story to the audience, so you must develop marketing strategies based on your overall company goals.
Marketing goals define the “what” and the “why” of your strategy. In other words, it’s about what you want to accomplish and why you want to use a specific marketing method.
Do you want:
- Higher volume of conversions?
- Better brand awareness?
- More sales?
- Lower expenses?
Just make sure your goals are clear. It’s your job as a manager to define the expectations for every team member. If you are not clear about what is expected of them, they are most likely going to make assumptions that might lead to suboptimal results.
3. Set Specific Objectives
The most successful marketing techniques are the ones that cover the whole process, not just the ultimate goal. This is feasible by establishing objectives. Goals are broad; objectives are detailed.
Your goal may be to acquire more website clients, but the objective is much more precise. For example, an objective could be to increase the number of visitors by 20% over the next 2 months.
Be as specific as possible. The more specific the objectives the easier it is to track the progress.
Your team needs to know exactly what they are trying to achieve to be effective. If you want higher sales numbers, then define how much money you want to make by a specific time. Good objectives are measurable.
Start by thinking about the most important aspect of your marketing strategy. What will have the biggest impact? This should be what you spend most of your time on.
4. Assign Tasks To The Right People
Once you know the objectives, plan out some smaller steps or tasks that will help achieve them. Simply ask yourself: “How can we reach this objective? Then lay out your plan in steps or tasks.
Once you’ve identified the tasks, it’s time to figure out who will be doing them. You can assign these tasks to different people, each being in charge of a certain aspect of the project.
One of the biggest problems with marketing tasks is that they are often assigned to the wrong people. This can lead to frustration and a lack of results. Make sure marketing tasks are given to the employees who have the skills and knowledge to complete them successfully.
Do you have a team member who is good at graphic design? Have them create social media graphics.
Do you have a team member who is great at writing copy? Assign them tasks like creating weekly blog posts.
Or maybe you have a team member who is good at coming up with blog topics but they’re not your best writer. Then assign them the task of creating blog post ideas.
The key is to place the right person with the right job. It’s always better to give someone a task they will excel at, rather than a task they won’t be good at. This will lead to a more productive team and better results.
5. Evaluate Your Marketing Strategies Regularly
Just like any other type of business strategy, marketing strategies need to be evaluated regularly to make sure they are still effective. This means that marketing tasks need to be assessed to see if they are helping or hindering marketing objectives.
Regular evaluation allows you to course correct when needed and improve your overall strategy.
One of the best ways to evaluate tasks is by creating touchpoints. This is a series of tasks and deadlines that your team follows to accomplish the tasks.
For example, suppose you wish to increase the amount of social media posts you create. Make sure that the tasks such as locating/generating images and drafting post content are done on time every week.
If not, then it’s time to determine why that is. It might be the task itself, or perhaps the person assigned to the task. Just make sure you always know where you are and what still needs to be done.
By establishing deadlines for your marketing tasks, you will not only create a solid marketing strategy but also ensure that everyone is aware of their role and what is expected of them. And, most importantly, you will be able to track your team’s progress and success.
After all, creating a marketing plan that is simple to follow and consistent touchpoints will make it easier to track the effectiveness of your advertising efforts.
It’s crucial to remember that when it comes to assessing a team member on their performance, the objective is not to assign blame but rather to improve the process. More than anything, evaluating a team member’s job performance should be viewed as an opportunity to help them succeed.
6. Be Flexible
Having marketing strategies is great, but if they are not flexible then it will be difficult to change marketing tactics when necessary. Being able to adjust marketing strategies in response to feedback or changes in your marketing landscape can help you achieve marketing objectives more effectively.
For example, if you discover that a certain social media platform is not working for your business, then you can adjust your marketing strategy to focus on other social media platforms.
The same goes for if you receive negative feedback about a certain marketing campaign. If this happens, then you can adjust the campaign or even turn it off.
The key to marketing strategies is that they are not set in stone. You just have to be willing to change them according to the feedback you receive.
After all, the most successful businesses are the ones that can change with the times. Having a flexible marketing strategy will help you stay ahead of the competition.
To succeed, every business must deploy marketing strategies, and the finest approach to ensure their success is to keep your strategies up to date. So be sure to reassess regularly.
The overall pattern you put in place for your team should be a guiding force, not an arbitrary list of marketing tasks. By following these simple tips, you will be able to track your team’s progress and ensure that they are meeting your desired objectives. And, most importantly, allow them and your business to be more successful.
So in the future, if you find your marketing performance is lagging then rinse and repeat the steps above, to identify what needs adjustment.