
Image represents Team Meeting Agenda Template
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The Meeting Agenda Template helps you plan productive, well-organized meetings.

  • Meeting Organizer
  • Attendee

Sample Uses

Use this template to:

  • Create an organized and effective meeting agenda.
  • Document decisions and key takeaways from your meeting.
  • Keep meetings on track by sticking to an established agenda.
How to Use:
  • The Meeting Organizer adds Tasks to the appropriate columns:

    BACKGROUND - Use this column to identify the purpose of the meeting, the meeting attendees, and to note anything that needs to be reviewed by the attendees in advance of the meeting.

    UPDATES - Enter items in this column that are for information sharing purposes only, such as status updates.

    DISCUSSION TOPICS - Use this column for topics that require a team discussion, such as brainstorming, decision making, or evaluating a new strategy.

  • The Meeting Organizer shares the board with the Meeting Attendees prior to the meeting, so they can review and prepare.

  • When the meeting begins, the Meeting Organizer directs the flow of the meeting, by moving through each agenda item in the Purpose, Updates, and Discussion Topics column.

  • If the team reaches a decision on a topic, the Meeting Organizer notes it in the Decisions column.

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