
Image represents Marketing Requests Template
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The Marketing Requests Template makes it easy to manage internal marketing requests made by other departments.

  • Marketing

Sample Uses

Use this template to:

  • Manage the marketing team’s request pipeline.
  • Organize all the details of a request in one central location.
  • Prioritize requests, so the marketing team focuses its efforts accordingly.
How to Use:
  • Marketing creates a Task for each marketing request in the Requested column. The team reviews the Task and gathers any further details, if needed.

  • When the request is finalized, the Task is moved to the Assigned column, assigned an owner, and given one of the following labels:

    Urgent: Requires immediate attention.
    High: Attention as soon as available.
    Medium: Non-critical request.
    Low: Address when bandwidth allows.

  • When work begins on the request, the Task owner moves the Task to the Active column. Here the team communicates, shares content, and manages the approval process within the Task.

  • Once the Task is complete, the Task Owner moves it to the Finished column.

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