
Illustration image of Software Development Template
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The Software Development Template is designed to help teams keep track of their software development process. This template provides a framework for planning and executing feature releases, ensuring that projects stay on track as they move through the different stages of the development cycle.

  • Project Manager
  • Developer

Sample Uses

Use this template to:

  • Plan out feature releases.
  • Map out a clear workflow for software development.
  • Establish the timeline and sequence of tasks needed to complete a project.
  • Track progress on each step of the process.
  • Ensure accuracy and consistency across projects.
How to Use:
  • Project Manager adds each Task related to the development process to a column in the template:

    PLANNING - Use this column for any Tasks related to planning the project, such as setting objectives and establishing goals.

    DESIGNING - Enter any design-related Tasks in this column, like designing user interfaces or mapping out data flows.

    CODING - Add any coding-related Tasks into this column, such as setting up the database or writing algorithms.

    TESTING & DEPLOYMENT - Use this column for any Tasks related to testing and launching the project, like testing user scenarios or deploying the software.

  • The Project Manager assigns Tasks to Developers and enters a due date for each Task.

  • When work begins on a Task, the Developer labels that Task as “In Process.”

  • When a Task is complete, the Developer labels that Task as “Done.”

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