
Image represents Design Sprint Template
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The Design Sprint Template helps teams validate ideas and solve challenges using a design sprint methodology.

  • Design Sprint

Sample Uses

Use this template to:

  • Focus your team’s time on solving a specific problem.
  • Foster creative problem-solving and drive design innovation.
  • Prototype, test, and validate an idea using a collaborative approach.
How to Use:
  • Each column in the template identifies a step in the design problem-solving process. Tasks are created in the appropriate columns.

    IDENTIFY PROBLEM - Create a Task to describe the issue and include any referenced assets or links. The goal here is to define the problem you are trying to solve.

    STORYBOARD SOLUTIONS - The team creates a Task for each possible solution and storyboards the idea. The team assesses all storyboards and moves the Task most likely to succeed to the Build Prototype column.

    BUILD PROTOTYPE - The winning storyboard is developed further, and the Task is moved to the Test Prototype column when a working solution is ready.

    TEST PROTOTYPE - The solution is tested for validity.

    If the prototype is successful, the Task is moved to the Implement Solution column.
    If the prototype is not successful, the Task is moved back to the Build Prototype column.

    IMPLEMENT SOLUTION - The Task is now validated as a successful prototype, and the release is scheduled.

  • The project is now complete and the template is archived.

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