
Image represents Book Creation Template
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The Book Creation Template keeps authors organized by helping them track and manage every aspect of creating a new book, from outlining the book’s structure to publishing the book.

  • Writer

Sample Uses

Use this template to:

  • Remain organized throughout the entire book creation process.
  • Track which stage of completion tasks are in (e.g., in progress, outsourced, complete).
  • Manage all of the tasks associated with planning, writing, editing, and publishing a book.
How to Use:
  • The Writer adds each Task to the appropriate column:

    RESEARCH & OUTLINE - Use this column for Tasks that need to be completed before the book can be written, such as gathering research materials, conducting interviews, and creating an outline.

    WRITING - Put any Tasks related to creating the actual content for the book in this column, such as writing the introduction, book chapters, or conclusion.

    EDITING - Enter any Tasks related to editing the book into this column.

    DESIGN & PRODUCTION - Put any Tasks related to designing and publishing the book into this column, such as creating the book’s cover or formatting the interior of the book.

  • The Writer works on Tasks in the first column, then the second column and so on, moving along the board from left to right.

  • When work begins on a Task, the Writer labels that Task as “In Progress.”

  • If work is outsourced for a Task, the Writer labels that Task as “Outsourced.”

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